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People are still answering the 1-800 number. Dealer told me they will continue to spread the orders out and build 3-4 per day. It keeps the "main players" building boats. ER
the top 5% of earners pay 60% of taxes, income and payroll. while the bottom 40% of earners pay 0. so far obama has not done anything he said he would. and he's not black. he's half black.
the top 5% of earners pay 60% of taxes, income and payroll. while the bottom 40% of earners pay 0. so far obama has not done anything he said he would. and he's not black. he's half black.
They won't ever let AIG fail, they insure the entire congress. And he's Muslim. Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
ummm...I don't know about those facts...and he has done somethings he said. If you make under 250K a year you should be recieving $50 more on a month on you check per the stimulas program.
ummm...I don't know about those facts...and he has done somethings he said. If you make under 250K a year you should be recieving $50 more on a month on you check per the stimulas program.
ummmm, trust me sir, they're fact's. $50.00?!?!?!?! That's just a fraction of what's going to be taken away from you coming in raised taxes for ALL of us. That's an unfortunate fact also.
NOT, repeat, NOT arguing with you my friend, just laying it on the line.
God Bless America!
God bless us one and ALL!!
Mike Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
Its only 13.00 per check (average) but when my taxes go up to pay for the 13.00, I loose more money.
Over the past month, I have heard the old "its only going to cost the average american family 32 dollars per year" line too many times. Add up all the "its onlys" and at the end of the year its a lot of money.
Life long Nautique guy
Will ski anytime.
Not taking sides here. But guys, someone has to pay for all our past sins. I don't want to pay more, either. Believe me, I pay way more than my fair share.
The difference I see between the current administration and the one before it is that this time, they are telling us we are going to have to pay, how much, and for what. We pay for it either way. You cannot kid yourselves about that fact. We cannot bailout irresponsible financial organizations, and cut taxes. We cannot float the big 3 automakers and cut taxes. We cannot help people keep their homes, and cut taxes. With respect to healthcare costs. We are already paying for the uninsured, it is just not in clear terms. This is part of why costs are so high in the first place. We pay either way.
I am in no way endorsing a bigger slice out of my check, but what is the alternative? Not have a job, and be a taker not a giver? Crappy trade-off.
the WakeSlayer
1999 Super Air - Python Powered <-- For Sale
1968 Correct Craft Mustang
Its only 13.00 per check (average) but when my taxes go up to pay for the 13.00, I loose more money.
Over the past month, I have heard the old "its only going to cost the average american family 32 dollars per year" line too many times. Add up all the "its onlys" and at the end of the year its a lot of money.
"Socialism work's fine, until you run out of other people's money!" - Margaret Thatcher
"When We stop being One Nation Under God, we will be a nation gone under!"- Thomas Jefferson
Not taking sides here. But guys, someone has to pay for all our past sins. I don't want to pay more, either. Believe me, I pay way more than my fair share.
Crappy trade-off.
Understood WS!! But NO ONE is TOO BIG to fail......we a provision for that........bankruptcy.
The Fannie Mae/ Freddie Mac lending "scheme" started with Barney Frank in the Clinton Admin. Why??!...........to farm votes. Period!
Why the heck should you or I have to pay for that, or any other business that was poorly run or was not overseen. Not to mention our kids.........and their's who will be paying for this crap for decades.
The Big 3 were NOT building cars and trucks nobody wanted, they were building exactly what people wanted. The housing market burst, and that drives EVERYTHING. So subsequently, everything thing comes to a hault.
I'm a state certified contractor.................I saw this coming in the middle of 07. Sad thing is........we are no where near hitting botttom.