Tendonitis, Tendinitis Help!

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  • lffish133
    • Sep 2007
    • 149

    • Utah

    Tendonitis, Tendinitis Help!

    So I love wakeboarding, I have been riding for over 10 years now. The one thing I don't love about wakeboarding, it's hard on your knees. Around 5 years ago my knees started to get decently sore after riding but then it would go away and I would be fine. As the years have gone by it has gotten progressively worse, by the end of last season I really couldn't do anything active for at least a week after wakeboarding, and my riding really started to suffer as my knee was sore all the time. I went to a sports medicine doctor, he diagnosed me with tendinitis, I went to physical therapy rehabbed it for six months which was way more than he told me to, he said one physical therapy treatment and ibuprofen was all I needed. I took my first set back on the water a few weeks ago, and it hurts just as bad if not worse than it did at the end of last season. I'm not sure how much longer I can ride cause it just hurts too bad, any of you guys out there have this and what are you doing about it? I'm only 25, and I don't want to give up on wakeboarding and be an old guy already! :x (no offense to the old guys, you rip too!) Thanks for any input or insight you may have.
  • gride300
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Apr 2008
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    • mobile, al

    RE: Tendonitis, Tendinitis Help!

    i hear ya man. i'm 25 and my body doesnt hold it up like it used to either. my advice is to work out 3 days a week with weights properly(technique, reps #, routine #, muscle groups, and no impact cardio) and your body will hold up much better and you will probably improve your board skills. you don't need to get huge, but conditioned muscles. try 13 reps instead of 10 and do 3 sets on each routine. either way go to gnc and get some glucosamine. it lubricates your joints and does wonders for the knees and shoulders. or get your self a good concave wakeskate like an integrity or oak or something. it's such a different and fun sport.


    • Chris4x4Gill2
      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
      • Jul 2008
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      • Smith Lake, AL

      • '89 Ski Nautique 2001

      RE: Tendonitis, Tendinitis Help!

      Try daily fish oil capsules as well. Its a natural antinflamatory, better for you than taking ibuprofen daily. But make it a habit to take them everyay, not just when your hurting.


      • Chexi
        1,000 Post Club Member
        • Mar 2025
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        RE: Tendonitis, Tendinitis Help!

        I'm going to try hyaluronic acid supplements. Supposed to be the whole molecule, whereas glucosamine is only part. It is also supposed to work much faster. These are all "supposed to" statements, as I have not tried it yet.
        2000 SAN

        1999 Air Nautique
        1996 Tige Pre-2000
        1989 Lowe 24' Pontoon / Johnson 100HP outboard


        • ffmedic74
          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
          • Jul 2003
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          • Lexington, KY

          RE: Tendonitis, Tendinitis Help!

          It sucks getting old and there is nothing you can do about it. The more impacts your knees take, the more they will continue to hurt. You can try stretching hamstrings often to help. Try hydrofoiling instead!


          • bchesley
            1,000 Post Club Member
            • Feb 2006
            • 1252

            • Tyler, Texas

            RE: Tendonitis, Tendinitis Help!

            I have had the same symptons in the past, and the glucosimine and chondroitin does help. I take it daily and have for about 5 years. I also hit the gym 4 days a week. I ride at least 4 miles on a stationary bike every time I go and have a once a week leg workout. I have zero pain in the knees now. I am willing to do what ever it takes to keep riding as long as I can. I have been riding for 10 years now and at 35 I figure if I stick to my program I have at least 10 more at the current level. After that I will taper it off some as I want to be able to walk in the golden years. You got to pay to play as they say so get in the gym......
            2001 Super Air Nautique
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            Many upgrades coming...


            • MARK-S
              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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              RE: Tendonitis, Tendinitis Help!

              25 and bodies giving out? I guess a Big Dawg wakeboard tour will never happen.
              Life long Nautique guy
              Will ski anytime.
              \"SON WATERSPORTS ROCKS\"


              • WakeSlayer
                1,000 Post Club Member
                • Sep 2005
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                • Silver Creek, MN

                • 1968 Mustang

                Re: RE: Tendonitis, Tendinitis Help!

                Originally posted by gride300
                i hear ya man. i'm 25 and my body doesnt hold it up like it used to either----------or get your self a good concave wakeskate like an integrity or oak or something. it's such a different and fun sport.
                Referring back to a previous thread:

                Ha, so at 42 and with a couple knee injuries and a couple back injuries, is it ok for me to refer to surfing as a sport yet? Just want to make sure here. Cause an old guy like me could easily say wakeskating is just a fun activity.... Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
                the WakeSlayer
                1999 Super Air - Python Powered <-- For Sale
                1968 Correct Craft Mustang


                • bscott
                  • Apr 2005
                  • 188

                  • Bolingbrook, IL

                  • 2014 Sport Nautique 2000 Sport Nautique

                  RE: Re: RE: Tendonitis, Tendinitis Help!

                  Agree with above. Continue with your rehab workouts, and do a leg workout at least once a week if not twice, and not the day before you go riding. I found that glucosamine works pretty well too, or maybe it was just the placebo effect. Also, when you get home from riding, elevate your legs/knees for about 20 minutes and take some type of inflammatory. This will keep the swelling down, and the pain too.


                  • bkhallpass
                    1,000 Post Club Member
                    • Apr 2005
                    • 1407

                    • Discovery Bay, CA

                    • 2001 Super Air Nautique (Current) 1998 Ski Nautique (former) 1982 Ski Nautique (Current)

                    RE: Re: RE: Tendonitis, Tendinitis Help!

                    Well, at 45, first knee surgery at 17, with 7 total, two back surgerys, and arthritis in my hands and one of my shoulders, I'm never going to be what you call a ripping rider, but I can do it, and my knees generally don't hurt much. I would try experimenting with the width and the duck angle of your stance. I experimented with many before I found one that doesn't hurt my knees. In the end, I have a much wider stance, and am ducked out farther than I thought possible with my knees. Forces me to squat a bit more, for which I had to build up leg strength, but there is a lot less twisted load in my knees. BKH
                    2001 Super Air


                    • lffish133
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 149

                      • Utah

                      Thanks for all the good input so far, I have a couple questions for you guys. Do any of you use a chopat strap? or use something like this? http://www.mcdavidusa.com/store/inde...ARTMENT_ID=631, I'm just wondering if they would help my knee heal or actually hinder it because it would be supported. Also bchesley, bscott what type of stuff do you recommend I do for a "leg workout". bkhallpass I have begun experimenting with stance and angle and such, hopefully I can find something that works also. :grin: Finally I think I'm not working out hard enough, I'll kick it up a notch and see what happens. Do you think running would be bad for the knee? because that is usually what I have done in the past for cardio. Thanks to all.


                      • bkhallpass
                        1,000 Post Club Member
                        • Apr 2005
                        • 1407

                        • Discovery Bay, CA

                        • 2001 Super Air Nautique (Current) 1998 Ski Nautique (former) 1982 Ski Nautique (Current)

                        If your knees hurt now, I would not run. Biking will get you the cardio and leg strength with far less impact on your knees.

                        Leg curls, squats, lunges. Looking for reps rather than weight. You want to build endurance, not bulk. Strengthening the muscles around the knee joint takes a lot of stress off the knee. None of it works without stretching. Tight mucscles and tendons and you will feel pain. BKH
                        2001 Super Air


                        • wakecrashin
                          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                          • May 2007
                          • 376

                          Really the only thing that will fix tendonitis is REST. I get it playing Volleyball and tried the straps/ knee braces... nothing really worked. I do notice if I warm up and stretch it does not hurt as much.


                          • Mike185
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 21

                            • Charlotte NC

                            You should definitely not run. Especially on pavement and a treadmill is generally not much better. When i'm getting ready for snow ski season I always work on my leg strength, you want to build some muscle to support the knee, I would suggest lunges, squats, leg press. Maybe get a personal trainer for 1 session and have him show you a bunch of different leg exercises. I would definitely suggest some balance exercies also, they help build your 'fast twitch' muscle fibers that help support your joints. Do some online research there is tons of info regarding building leg strength, its one of the most common injuries in all of sports.


                            • swooddc
                              • Oct 2006
                              • 147

                              • Gardendale, AL

                              all the advice above about high reps with strength training is dead on, however flexibility is key with tendonitis (my professional opinion) hamstring and quad flexibility being the biggest thing. when you strengthen your muscles you also shorten and tighten them. if you don't make a serious effort to stretch, aside from the strength training it won't help much with the tendonitis. I suggest a daily stretching routine of 10 min or so a few hours removed from your workouts. the other thing with knees and wakeboarding is make sure your arches are supported well. if your boots don't have a noticeable arch support consider adding something. I have a couple of suggestions if you want to pm me.

