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In the pic "hard cut on kneeboard.jpg" he is on the O'brien foam kneeboard for kids. It might be called "orbit" ...I can't remember.
It is a foam kneeboard with handle hook, no fin, no strap. It is made for small kids that can't pop out of the strap. I bought it from a cold weather marina one year at the end of season for about 1/3 the price.
Here are two pics on the fun board from two years ago.
Question for ya'll: My 7 yr old daughter expressed an interest in wakeboarding while we were in Overtons the other day. She's 55 lbs soaking wet and couldn't pick up the smallest wakeboard they had. Anybody think she could handle it? She kneeboards now but I'd love for her to try something new.
MY daughter and son both started at 8 and at that time i bet my little girl wasnt but 45 lbs....my son used to have to jump in and flip her over if her board ended up face first but she did a great job!
We had a little more success with the "old school" knee board than the wakeboards today (Amanda - 9, Will - 6) . I think I need a smaller wakeboard than a 124 for the kiddos. I think they make a 111?
Number 1 & 2 kids were on injured reserve (knee and elbow). Couldn't get number 5, the 4 year-old, to get on the kneeboard
(Homer Simpson) Ohhhhh ...I want to live in a neighborhood with a ski lake.
Cool pics everyone. I'll have to wait a few years before I get my son out. He's only 16 months. I joked with my wife that it might be too early this year to get him on skis and now she tells everyone I'm crazy Seriously, what is the starter age...3 or 4 if they're up for it?