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Our older wooden all had names. We had WISH-SKI. My favorite was a friends Chris Craft named Beaux Eaux which means beautiful waters in French and clown (BOZO) in English. I've had 2 Correct crafts. The first was a 66 Barracuda that was rebuilt ot look like a 70 Mustang. I paid $700 for it because the engine was filled with seawater. My wife had alot of colorful names for it when I brought it home and rebuilt it, non of them made their way onto the boat. The one I have now isn't named but my wife calls it For Sale. I call it Never Happen.
I have had a few boats that warranted having a name. I had a quick catamaran sailboat, called "Blew by You"
a 26' Martini with a big block chevy named "Thirsty" complete with a martini glass with a cherry bomb instead of an olive
A former Seaworld 26' Scarab Sport that retained the Baywatch and BaysideLifeguard, later redone with splash graphics and called "Splash"
A 24' Banana that was lettered by the factory for a boat show "Banana Boat" (twinn 200 mercs)
A black sanger Alley cat appropriately called " Black Cat" with little letters that said "crossed your path"
and a Master Craft that was called Nautilus because of the cool submarine rides it would do.
A Ski Nautique already says it all, no need for names.