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We have a golden Ret. Her name is "Nauti" and on some days "DA" DumbA$$ Look to the left of this post to see her. Just like Jeff and Mark-S I too can't switch boats, I would have to get rid of the boat too.
Looks like your following an Ohio State coaches name theme Woody (Hayes) and (john) Cooper. Keep it going with (jim) Tressel. I had a couple Rotties my female was Dallas (Im a cowboys fan) and my male was Jaxon (pronounced Jackson). I actually got that from a road sign I saw while driving back from Siesta Key, FL. As we were going through Jacksonville the sign said To JAX International Airport. Good luck with picking the name.
My wife wants a basset hound and is coming up with several names, of course none of which I like. I've already told her if we get a basset she can name it whatever, I will call it FRED. (Smokey & the Bandit)
Well, I pronbably have the name that nobody else would think of, my dog's name is "Kermit the Dog"...gender confused to say the least becuase she's a female and a black lab.
My wife wants a basset hound and is coming up with several names, of course none of which I like. I've already told her if we get a basset she can name it whatever, I will call it FRED. (Smokey & the Bandit)
Fred Basset was a cartoon strip that ran for many year. I don't know it's still in circulation.
Well, I pronbably have the name that nobody else would think of, my dog's name is "Kermit the Dog"...gender confused to say the least becuase she's a female and a black lab.
Kermit the dog is freakin hilarious.
Have had a yellow lab named Overton (not because of the retailer but it works too) and currently have another one named drake.
My last yellow lab was Nix. My yellow I have now is Wheat. One syllable names are good if you hunt. How about Oar?
OAR, YOU DUMBASS, GET OVER HERE!! is a lot easier on the voice than BEAUREGARD YOU...
Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For it is there you have been and there you will long to return. - Leonardo De Vinci