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I'm the vice president for NC State's wake and ski club but we've really just become the wakeboard club. We had some interest in skiing but it has just fell off recently.
I'm the president of the UW-Eau Claire W&W team. I have seen the same thing.. more boarders and less skiers, but at least we have members and have money coming in to pay for gas!
2008 Ski Nautique 206
2006 Air Nautique 211
1986 Boston Whaler
We really arent making too much money because we spend it all on gas, but we bring in quite a bit. Dues are our biggest source of income followed by the school giving us some money. Fundraisers are hard because they sound good to everyone but no one does anything to help. We've had broomball tournaments and sold brats and hot dogs to drunks on weekends but we really dont bring in a whole lot from that... what about you guys?
And yes GO PACK!!
2008 Ski Nautique 206
2006 Air Nautique 211
1986 Boston Whaler
HAHA I thought you were refering to the PACKERS... Like as in the Green Bay Packers, I guess thats just what Wisconsin people think. Sorry bout that! HAHA
2008 Ski Nautique 206
2006 Air Nautique 211
1986 Boston Whaler
Hey sorry for the late reply. Yeah we've made some money off some calendars and raffling off a skateboard and a longboard. We've got some good help around here too with some local sponsors like White Lake. Dues definitely are not a source of income for the club.. they're only $25 a semester. We do get some money from club sports and we actually got a pretty good bit from student government this year to help us go to the Empire Wake nationals in Texas.