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I was just messin around and don't wanna start a war or anything...
Its hard to answer "do i understand politics." We dicsuss a lot in school as in global history and we just had a test on how the constitution and all that stuff. We did really try to get in deep and our teacher said that we could now vote better than some adults if we were allowed to.
What that means, I don't know, but I wouldn't just consider myself totally oblivious to the whole thing.... like I said, I really don't like politics and was just messin around...
Please don't take this seriously... :lol:
[color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]
Politics don't mean much until you get your first paycheck. The first time you make enough to buy an Air 206 and find out that you owe 15000.00 in taxes instead you'll get really interested.
Politics don't mean much until you get your first paycheck. The first time you make enough to buy an Air 206 and find out that you owe 15000.00 in taxes instead you'll get really interested.
That I can understand... :lol:
[color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]
Everyones a liberal until they get a job that pays. They open that first check or make that first tax payment on the house and "wala" another conservitive is born.
Life long Nautique guy
Will ski anytime.