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I saw that thread last week and it made me sick. I wouldn't even know how to act if something like that happened to my boat. Watching them go over the dam was real tough. I foresee a bunch of salvage boat parts in the TX area for sale soon.
I lived on Lake Mcqueeny for years. It's part of the Quadalupe river basin and just below Lake Dunlap where most video from this flood seems to have been taken from. This flood is bad, but pales in comparison to the 1998 flood. There were entire houses and boat houses with boats still in them floating down the river at 50+ mph. I've got video at the Dunlap dam and the Mcqueeny dam of houses, boats, cars, etc going over the edge. My house had only 1 ft of the roof above water. We lost EVERYTHING. Even the hot tub got sucked out. Of course, someone elses hot tub was resting in the space where mine used to be! lol.