Mission Bay Slalom Course San Diego

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  • MARK-S
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Jul 2003
    • 764

    • SE MINN

    • 1978 Ski Tique 1996 196 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008 196s Best boats made

    RE: Give us a shot.

    Join the club, join in on the work and help the members out with $$. Thats all it would take. And also, dont get to close to the guy with the dog in his boat. At the lake I used to ski on, piss would be cleaner than the water that would drip off my ski. You could be skiing down the course and watch cows standing in the water with their tails in the air. Good luck.
    Life long Nautique guy
    Will ski anytime.


    • 82tique
      • Aug 2004
      • 156

      • Butterville, Land-O-Lakes

      RE: Give us a shot.

      Mental note to self: don't bother trying to ride while visiting San Diego (it could be dangerous), instead hang out on shore and watch the locals send their dogs to urinate on each others boats.
      Life is Good.


      • Grant_West
        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
        • Jul 2003
        • 758

        • Redwoodcity Ca

        Hey Aki; dont take this the wrong way. But knowing how much you love your SAN I dont see you letting some ones dog urinate in your boat and you not KILLING them. LOL J/K but seriously you are either GANDI of the wakeboard world or you left out the part where you made the guy lick up the dog pee. :wink:


        • Gramps
          • Feb 2004
          • 86

          • San Diego

          • 2003 Super Air Nautique Team Edition

          Grant, It was in my Mastercraft not the Nautique......if it was the Nautique I would be in the "bighouse" for committing a homicide.

          There is no way I would let that happen to my "baby"

          The SANTE doesn't visit the bay!


          • Grant_West
            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
            • Jul 2003
            • 758

            • Redwoodcity Ca

            Ok at least the dog knew where to go then. LOL


            • Mikeski
              1,000 Post Club Member
              • Jul 2003
              • 2908

              • San Francisco, CA

              • Current 2005 SV 211, due for upgrade! GS22 or GS24 perhaps? Previous

              Why why

              I am not sure why but I feel compelled to post to this thread.

              I used to ski at the tournaments at that site back in the 70's when the Roberge's used to ski there. We would usually show up a day early and buy a couple practice rides from the locals (pre-arranged). It was nice family oriented club, one of the best in the state in my opinion.

              Being around ski courses all my life I can tell you that $45/year is not much, so for now lets just say it's free. It takes lots of time and effort to find and maintain a site like this regardless of it's use. There are numerous hoops cities make us jump through to keep the best ski sites available to boats period. There is always a bird watcher or a row boater that thinks your ski site would better serve his purpose then yours. After all the effort is put into actually setting up and keeping a site we tend to become a little possessive when some Johnny come lately wants to use what we have worked very hard to build without lifting a finger because it's in a city park and he waited his turn in line to get a pass. From the attitude I read through Gramps post I might guess the dog was trained to pee on command.

              The big problem is that there are more skiers/boarders that want to use the space then time allows so it becomes a competitive for time on the water. I would suspect you may not have gotten a significantly different reception if you drove in a new Ski Nautique and pulled your slalom ski out. It's funny to see the new members of my club react when I pull up to my club's slalom course in the delta. Some say stupid things like "you must be a member" to ski here, before an older member runs over and shuts them up. So, I think I know what reception you got.

              What's legally right is not always what makes sense. Mission Bay ski club has been in this cove for a long time. If you want to use the cove work with the ski club and help them out, it will definately mean more than the $45 bucks membership fee. Meet with a club officer and let them know that you are interested in sharing THEIR site. Let's be realistic, they own this site for all practical purposes regardless of how the permits work. The reason why they limit wakeboarding to 4 passes is time, it is the same for trick skiing, as it has been since the early 70's, and it's the same at all ski sites that I have used. Show up a few times and get to know the people, ask if you can observe a slalom run or two. Learn the driving patterns. Ask them how to change a bouy if you accidentally knock one out. Wait for them to invite you to use their facility. Show some intelligence, check the attitude and don't be a jerk. Nobody owes you access to that space. Don't screw it up for the next wakeboarder that wants to use that cove.



              • Gramps
                • Feb 2004
                • 86

                • San Diego

                • 2003 Super Air Nautique Team Edition

                RE: Why why



                Show some intelligence, check the attitude and don't be a jerk. Nobody owes you access to that space. Don't screw it up for the next wakeboarder that wants to use that cove.

                When meeting someone for the first time do you greet them with a "hey how's it going"


                edited by admin

                I greet people with a smile, hello and how's it going.

                When someone greets me with an attitude that's exactly what they get back.

                Let me see the last time I checked it was a PUBLIC beach area, PUBLIC water, PUBLIC dock, PUBLIC course.......it's called TAXES and since I pay them every year and the city is the CONTROLLING body for the PERMITS then I have AS MUCH RIGHT TO USE THE PUBLIC COURSE AS ANY MEMBER OF THE SKI CLUB WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT.

                edited by admin

                Quote:After all the effort is put into actually setting up and keeping a site we tend to become a little possessive when some Johnny come lately wants to use what we have worked very hard to build without lifting a finger because it's in a city park and he waited his turn in line to get a pass. From the attitude I read through Gramps post I might guess the dog was trained to pee on command.

                edited by admin


                • MARK-S
                  Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                  • Jul 2003
                  • 764

                  • SE MINN

                  • 1978 Ski Tique 1996 196 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008 196s Best boats made

                  RE: Why why

                  Thats why no one aggrees with you Gramps. And thats why you are dealing with the problems you have when you go on the bay. You need to deal and work with people in a friendler manner.
                  Life long Nautique guy
                  Will ski anytime.
                  \"SON WATERSPORTS ROCKS\"


                  • Gramps
                    • Feb 2004
                    • 86

                    • San Diego

                    • 2003 Super Air Nautique Team Edition

                    RE: Why why

                    Apparantly I have offended some of the more "conservative" members of this site with my so called "language" and direct name calling of a certain person that I felt offended me.

                    I will apologise to those that feel offended and in the future will try to not use such "seedy" words.

                    I however will not apologise to the afformentioned person that posted right above me.

                    Jeff, No stress on editing my post..........it's your site and you gotta do what you gotta do.


                    • Grant_West
                      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                      • Jul 2003
                      • 758

                      • Redwoodcity Ca

                      Ill just say that I think Gramps is a solid guy and I cant see him bening a Jack ***, I cant speak for other people, so I wont. But I do know what he is talking about, when he talks about and how he was treated,

                      I know this because I have been treeted the same way at the local ski coarse, some what un-welcome by the people that look over it. I call them the SKI NAZI'S. LOL :grin: It seems as if you have a tower on your boat you are grouped or type casted.

                      I respect what they have built and act as a guest in there house when on the coarse, I sort of Tip Toe around. So I can see both sides of the fence. People shoud be treated with respect untill they prove otherwise.

                      Most people dont do wrong because they are trying to disrespect you or your club 9 times out of 10 they just dont know and need friend to show them the way things are done.

                      We all love the smooth water. Lets all enjoy it together.


                      • darrel409
                        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                        • Jul 2004
                        • 566

                        • San Dimas, So. Cal

                        I bet this debate goes on at every public slalom course there is. I know we had them in the early and mid 90's at Nacimiento's course and Far West Ski Club. That was in the infancy of wakeboarding often times the "culprits" were fisherman or weekend wallys. We have all been on one side or the other and thats the side we support. Skiers/club members vs. everyone else that wants to use the glass. The tourny skiers are all pretty anal about everything:boats,rollers,wakes,drivers,speed,times etc. Thats why we spend so much to have the best boats available equiped with perfect pass and the best drivers we can find. We wake up early, get to the lake, prepare, stretch,adjust skis, wait for your turn...Then some x@#&% drives thru in his new bayliner and everyone is on his a**. Like white choclate said 95% of the time he had no clue as to what he was doing or that he just trashed a course by slaloming his boat thru and pissed off 30 people on the dock. Lots of courses will take 3 or 4 minutes to let the rollers pass by and the skiers are forced to wait longer and start the rotation over. If you dont ski the course you just wont understand, and its hard to expect someone else to "get it". You can ask anyone who has accidentally encroached on a group of tourney skiers at their course how they were treated and most will say that the skiers were jerks and act as if they own the lake. So the skiers think the wakeboarders, fisherman...are out to screw up their good time. The wakeboarders/fisherman/boaters think the skiers are messing up their weekend. No one really wins or walks away with a smile. Its human nature, just ask the israelies or palastinians.


                        • Grant_West
                          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                          • Jul 2003
                          • 758

                          • Redwoodcity Ca

                          Im going to start a new thread talking more directly about, what darrel 409 is talking about, Its a intresting topic


                          • Mikeski
                            1,000 Post Club Member
                            • Jul 2003
                            • 2908

                            • San Francisco, CA

                            • Current 2005 SV 211, due for upgrade! GS22 or GS24 perhaps? Previous

                            Maybe I should not have gotten involved with this thread but since it looks like I have offended Gramps I guess should probably reply.

                            Like I said in the first post, when I show up at any of the nor. cal. ski sites most people don't recognize me from whan I was actively skiing tournaments in the 70's/80's as a kid. They also don't remember when my dad and I waded in the mud for all afternoon in the cold winter measuring bouys and setting anchors. Nor do they remember me building/painting docks, waxing the jump ramp, cleaning up seaweed, planting trees, or any of the other numerous duties that come with keeping a site in good shape. Just because they spent one of their most recent Saturdays at a work party they feel that they have a greater right to the site then I do. Years ago I decided that skiing the course is not that important to me anymore so I typically just stay away.

                            Gramps, sorry if I offended you. From what I read in your post it seemed to me that you were acting a bit jerky by saying that since you pay your taxes you have as much right to that space as anybody else there.

                            If anybody reading this does not understand why people turn into the "slalom nazis" as Grant put it I will try help. Think of the last time you were out boarding in perfect butter like you see on any of the wakeboarding films. Now imagine a couple jet skis entering the scene anniliating the water by doing donuts or even worse, a tuber entering the scene? Should they be there just because they pay thier taxes? Would you invite them to stay or come back soon to your little oasis?

                            The fact is the needs of the 3 event skier is not exactly the same as the wakeboarder. The idea of 2' waves continuously rolling through the docks is not that inviting to a dedicated slalom skier. However they are not that much different either, both prefer nice protected small waterways. So Gramps, here in this thread some of the people have invited you into thier group. I don't understand why you cannot forget about the past and try to get a little more inline with the group operating as the majority in the public space that has what you desire to use?

                            OK, so my first post was not completely constructive, but there were parts of it that were. If any wakeboarder wants to use any ski site I might suggest a very constructive approach. There are a few success stories out there. In fact one of the oldest ski clubs on the delta even hosted a wakeboard tournament a couple summers ago.

                            Now, I believe part of the reason planetnautique exists is for entertainment. So Gramps keep your full caps posts (= screaming) that need editing coming, it's just part of the fun. I wish I could have enjoyed the post before the edits. :razz:



                            • Gramps
                              • Feb 2004
                              • 86

                              • San Diego

                              • 2003 Super Air Nautique Team Edition

                              Grant, Thanks for the kind words Bro.

                              Mikeski, Yes I took offense to what you said, it is all to easy to read into what people are saying over the net and not get the true feelings they are trying to convey.

                              I will retract what I stated earlier and extend an apology to you.

                              I totally understand what you and others are trying to get across but I hope you would put the shoe on the other foot and ask yourself how you would feel if it were you in my place.

                              Just because someone has vested time in something doesn't give them exclusive rights to it.

                              Perception and first impressions go a long way in how people will view things, in my eyes the club wasn't very welcoming so at that point why would I join?

                              Is $45 going to hurt me.......of course not, it's the idea of contributing to something that for me didn't leave a good taste in my mouth or in my mind.

                              For me there isn't a lot of grey area, it's pretty much black and white.

                              I have the necessary membership card to obtain a permit for the area, I wait in line just like everyone else. The club has no recourse in the matter, if I don't want to join then so be it. We don't have to be close friends or buddies while there at the same time but at least be considerate of other individuals.

                              If I walk my dog and it deficates on the street I pick it up, that's called common courtesy. I go out of my way to never walk my dogs near other homeowners yards, this way they don't urinate on the grass or plants which could potentially kill them.

                              Letting your dog urinate in someones boat is just down right rude and disrespectful, letting your dog crap on the dock and leaving it there for 6 hours is ignorant.


                              • Mikeski
                                1,000 Post Club Member
                                • Jul 2003
                                • 2908

                                • San Francisco, CA

                                • Current 2005 SV 211, due for upgrade! GS22 or GS24 perhaps? Previous


                                Thanks for your apology. As a dog owner myself I would be horrified if my dog ever urinated in somebody's boat. I would definately apologize, clean it up, offer to have the boat detailed, whatever it took to make it right. It's really unbelievable that it actually happened. My dogs are actually trained to go on command to avoid this kind of incident.

                                When I was frequenting the courses I remember a couple guys that had mastered the routine. They would show up, kiss everybody's butt, say they were on a tight timeframe, run out and take their ride then just disappear. These were the same guys that were never available when there was any work to be done, but just because they put on a good face they were always welcome. It's not right but it seemed to work. With a different approach you just might be able to beat them instead of joining them.

                                Best of luck,

