Only about 25 more hours on the engine this season and I blame it on the weather! It was a long spring, and fall was here before Labor Day. Hoping for a good day soon. The boys (kidz) are wearing their new snowboard eqpt and ready for pow; I hear la ninia is a coming. While MTB we see lots of Salmon in the Creek, but they say there should be more.
I'll let you know when it endsWe're still setting heat records here.
Houston is still going strong if you pick the day. I thought water temp was chilly. Kids didn't even blink or complain. They've had so much this summer I have to force them to go...then I have to pry them out to be done. I'm in singpore this week losing two weekends. I took half a day off last monday to get some time in. they loved everything but the daughter had one tough face plant on her new wakeboard. She didn't enjoy that...and no video.
my stuff usually comes out on Labor day. Since I can launch at home on a nice day I can put everyone in the boat and I'm the only one that needs to get wet until they ski. With school and soccer the season is over. Winterizing in mid October and then put away till spring.
- Sep 2008
- 507
- Colorado River - Parker Strip
- Prescott, AZ
- 2004 Air Nautique 216 Team 2005 SANTE 210 2008 SAN 230
I have three more trips on the calendar, the last one being Thanksgiving weekend. The water will be a bit chilly, around 62, but with a wetsuit and no crowds on the water worth every second of the chilly water. At that point I'll most likely be done until the first weekend in March. But if I can convince a couple buddies to brave the 55-57 degree water with me in Jan & Feb, I'm down to enjoy some butter!!!BKinSoCal - Brian
'08 SANTE 230 - Current
'05 SANTE - Sold '10
'04 216 TE - Sold in '05
Weather in the West was pretty cool this year and there were record temps everywhere else. We had a very below average year, only one day in Calgary got over 85 the whole summer. My last weekend of riding in September the air temp was 41 degrees and the water was 55, but perfect butter so it was worth it.
Not been ideal here I agree, we have been dodging salmon up in Kenmore since Aug. Three seals have been hanging out by St. Edwards for about a month, almost ran over one on my board a couple weeks ago. Saw them for the first time last year, they follow the salmon up Lake Wash. Had no idea seals could stay in fresh water so long!! Kinda cool to sea at 6:30 in the morning though. Going to try to get out this week since we are going to be in the 70's, then look at putting the boat away for the winter.