Is our current president even eligible?

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  • gride
    1,000 Post Club Member
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    • War Eagle

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    Is our current president even eligible?

    I never really bought into the birthed stuff, but after doing research I really do not think he is eligible. I am so frustrated with our government lately. All sides of it and Obama's spending millions on his concealment stuff and the fact that he's not in year book photos at college and nobody remembers him has been a tipping point. Supposedly born in Hawaii to an American mother and Kenyan father bearing the same name, then moving to Indonesia, then back to Hawaii, mother marries mr. Soetoro and Obama uses the name Barry soetoro until in early 80,s he decided he wanted to be obama. However, from what I've read there is no record of a name change in either direction. There is much more on thisnsubject. Anyone else have thoughts on the matter?
    Last edited by gride; 04-10-2011, 03:05 PM.
  • AirTool
    1,000 Post Club Member
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    I think there may also be a credible argument that he denounced his US citizenship when he attended that private school. I understood that school would not take you in unless you denounced your foreign citizenship.


    • gride
      1,000 Post Club Member
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      I also read Barry got some foreign student scholarship to attend Columbia and or harvard. Huge conspiracy is he was put in place by trilateral commission to lush through a global economy with no president run by corporations. Seriously, how do u lose state senate and then serve a year or two as us senator and become president? Also, who writes an autobiography in 95 when nobody knows who you are? Also read about Michelle screwing poor folks out of hospitals to serve those with insurance. reminds me of lee Harvey. He denounced citizenship and gave weak military info to Russia and worked at kremlin, then got right back in the us with Russian bride during a time that communism was high on the no no list. I don't even know why in posted this bc it infuriates me. I say anarchy in the us. Better yet, remember your 2nd amendment right bc we are heading to needing it. Like all civilizations and empires before us, they eventually fall.
      Last edited by gride; 04-10-2011, 10:18 PM.


      • gride
        1,000 Post Club Member
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        • War Eagle

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        • ers906
          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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          While I won't get into the birther debate (although I can find my birth certificate in seven seconds in a fireproof safe in my office, go figure), I think that first thing is to reign in the government spending. And while I consider myself fiscally conservative and socially moderate, raising the taxes is not the answer. Instead, do away with income taxes (state and federal) all together. The uber rich do not pay them, the groups of people getting paid under the table (legal or illegal) do not pay them, only the middle and upper middle class seem to owe year after year. Instead, impose a federal sales tax on commodities. 2% tax on milk and healthy foods, 8-12% on doughnuts and fast food, 15% on domestic cars under a certain price point, 25% on domestic cars above that price point, 25% on foreign cars and products, and on boats, etc (I know we would all hate this, but lets be honest with ourselves, boats are true luxuries for the vast majority of us) 40%. This way, legal or illegal, rich or poor, if you buy expensive things you pay the majority of the taxes which fuel this great country of ours. It would also have the added bonus of decreasing the obesity rate in the US by charging more for crap food, increasing the cost of nintendo so maybe people would actually get off the couch and exercise etc.
          As far as Obama goes... If the republicans could get their act together and get Palin and some of the far far right wingers to shut their pie holes, and get a not so polarizing, but intelligent person to step up to run, this whole birther deal would be a non issue

          I should write for the New York Times editorial section.....
          Eric, Phoenix AZ

          G23 550 hp (finally here)
          2002 Super Air
          1994 Sun Tracker Party Barge 115 hp


          • gride
            1,000 Post Club Member
            • Jun 2007
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            • War Eagle

            • 05' 210 team

            Don't we already have a luxury tax on items over a certain amount or did bush do away with that? I don't see the GOP having a viable candidate for 2012. I personally think that in an economic crisis the pres should not take a salary. Also, go rent casino jack. Awesome movie. I admire abramhoff even though he did unethical things.


            • Nautiquehunter
              1,000 Post Club Member
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              BO is nothing more than a stooge . There is no way he is running things . He has been put in office to expand the liberal agenda and take the fall for adopting such policies . It doesn't matter who he is or what he does no one will ever call him out. The only thing we can do wont happen until Nov 2012 and maybe not even then.


              • AirTool
                1,000 Post Club Member
                • Sep 2007
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                • Katy, Texas

                Originally posted by ers906 View Post
                I should write for the New York Times editorial section.....
                Probably're too liberal.


                • horkn
                  • Aug 2007
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                  • 78 CC Martinique, rebuilt floor and custom interior.

                  I smell a witch hunt. His citizenship passed the necessary steps to be even considered a candidate. This candidacy requirement was done while the old pres was in office.

                  On a sort of related topic, if Trump wants a chance at a run for president, he needs to give up on his "birtherquest".


                  • Nautiquehunter
                    1,000 Post Club Member
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                    I would pay to see a debate between Trump,Gingrich and BO.


                    • ers906
                      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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                      Trump is a media whore that is it. I am not on any witch hunt, just seems strange that producing his birth certificate would put an end to all of the questions. I know where mine is, my parents know where theres are, I am sure most of the people on this site can locate theirs. I am a republican, I apologize to no one, and I respect intelligent, well reasoned debate. Whether the birther debate is that type of argument, I doubt it, but all that needs to be done to silence it it to produce the certificate. Logic dictates snuff out your opponents argument with credible evidence.

                      Enough about the birther debate. What pisses me of even more is that if I dont balance my check book and overdraft off of my accounts, I cannot buy anything and nobody bails me out. How can the federal government continually run a deficit??? The tea party, contrary to popular belief, if not a conservative organization, rather it is an organization dedicated to the fiscal responsibility of the government. Along those lines, i think it is moronic for the government talks about spending money to overrule the NFL work stoppage, concerning the BCS championship seedings, or baseball steroids investigations. it is a complete cluster. Rather, agree or not with abortion, etc. the money is better well spent on Planned Parenthood, schools, etc.

                      Plus, I have never been told I have been "too liberal" before Air Tool Thats a new one for me
                      Eric, Phoenix AZ

                      G23 550 hp (finally here)
                      2002 Super Air
                      1994 Sun Tracker Party Barge 115 hp


                      • ers906
                        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                        • Feb 2010
                        • 921

                        • Phoenix AZ

                        • 2013 G23 550 hp (ordered and awaiting delivery) 2002 Super Sport (coverted into a SAN) 330 hp Excaliber 1994 Sun Tracker Party Barge 115 hp 1989 Horizon 200 Four Winns - sold 1989 Regal Commodore 280 - previous Possibly looking into picking up a 70'2-80's Nautique to rebuild as a ski boat

                        I would pay to see a bare-knuckle fight between Quadafi, bin Laden and Hussein
                        Eric, Phoenix AZ

                        G23 550 hp (finally here)
                        2002 Super Air
                        1994 Sun Tracker Party Barge 115 hp


                        • SkiTower
                          1,000 Post Club Member
                          • Nov 2007
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                          • Clayton, NC

                          Originally posted by ers906 View Post
                          I would pay to see a bare-knuckle fight between Quadafi, bin Laden and Hussein
                          you think ANY of those would fight fair (bare knuckles???)
                          2007 SV211 SE
                          Tow Vehicle 2019 Tundra


                          • sodbuster88
                            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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                            • Clayton, NC

                            I've had a burr under my saddle for a while I'll share some of my favorite "bumper sticker" thoughts for the day......:

                            "OBAMA FOR CHANGE - That's all you'll have left in your pocket"
                            "Where's My Nobel Piece Prize?"

                            And my Favorite:

                            "O_ne B_ig A_ss M_istake A_merical"


                            • AirTool
                              1,000 Post Club Member
                              • Sep 2007
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                              • Katy, Texas

                              Originally posted by sodbuster88 View Post

                              And my Favorite:

                              "O_ne B_ig A_ss M_istake A_merical"
                              that's pretty good. I saw one last Saturday that caught me right.

                              "Over a million people attended Obama's inauguration...only 14 missed work."

