Is our current president even eligible?

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  • SkiTower
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Nov 2007
    • 2172

    • Clayton, NC

    My fav is the pic of Bush saying "miss me yet?"
    2007 SV211 SE
    Tow Vehicle 2019 Tundra


    • AirTool
      1,000 Post Club Member
      • Sep 2007
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      • Katy, Texas

      Originally posted by ers906 View Post
      Plus, I have never been told I have been "too liberal" before Air Tool Thats a new one for me
      It was not just "too liberal" .... it was "too liberal to write for the New York Times editorial section." That would be about as left as it gets.

      This is all in fun, but go back and read your post. You did mention getting rid of income taxes...but you never suggested getting rid of government or cutting spending. Your lines and lines of how to tax people's spending was left of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need"

      I might agree that If I didn't pay any income tax, I could afford a 40% tax on my new boat. But most money minded people shut down spending when its heavily taxed....even if they made it tax free.


      • ers906
        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
        • Feb 2010
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        • Phoenix AZ

        • 2013 G23 550 hp (ordered and awaiting delivery) 2002 Super Sport (coverted into a SAN) 330 hp Excaliber 1994 Sun Tracker Party Barge 115 hp 1989 Horizon 200 Four Winns - sold 1989 Regal Commodore 280 - previous Possibly looking into picking up a 70'2-80's Nautique to rebuild as a ski boat

        I agree that I did not fully explain my position and I am highly against the amount of government spending currently occurring, but unfortunately majority of economists agree that cuts alone are not going to reverse out deficit. It will have to involve increase taxes, which I hate to say. Primarily since the tax bracket I am in will likely be far and away the most heavily taxed. I am in no way rich, nor do I live an extravagant lifestyle. I buy used cars and used boats, I do my own home remodeling etc. I save my money the best I can, and do my best not to overspend. I bought my home within my means and am not upside down nor underwater in it. I did lose money in the market and in other real estate. The choice for us to buy a new boat is exactly that, a choice. I do not believe my taxes should go to bail out banks, my neighbor, the person who took all of the equity out of their house to buy a new boat etc. I am against long term welfare, if I have to pass a drug test for work, you should have to receive government benefits. I am against abortion for my own life, but I do not think the government should have a say a persons body. (although they do seem to like to go after steroid users, etc.) My comment initially was not a cure for the ills of government, merely an observation. Insofar as AirTool not being able to afford a new boat if there is a 40% tax on such boat, buy used then (not a statement against him, his financial status, etc, I do not know him and have great respect for his posts both in these thread, this forum and his unending desire to help nautique owners with upgrades, problems, etc. I appreciate the help that he has given me on occasion). I understand that the demand for used boats, cars etc will rise. That will make them a better "investment" (which they are clearly not, and never should be), and as an added side benefit, make our lakes less crowded and better water, less pollution, etc (an attempt at levity). My problem with the government is the overall lack of fiscal accountability. Both republicans and democrats, and independents for that matter. It amazes me that statements can be made during the elections, and forgotten days after and we, as the electorate do not hold those in power accountable. This, as much as it pains me to say, is as much of our own fault as those in power. For too long we have let the politicians get away with un-ending terms, pork-dealing in order to get elected the next time around. I truly want a small government, a government beholden to the people, in which the majority rules. If you choose not to vote (which in my opinion is our single greatest right as Americans), then dont complain when the government ignores you (sort of a afterthought, but important none the less). But to think that this current president's inability, arrogance, etc. not to produce a birth certificate, is the cause of the country's woes is equally as arrogant or blind. We all have not held out representatives accountable, and once we start doing so then they may once again become a government of the people. We will all have to make sacrifices (financially) in the years to come, both the so-called "rich", middle class and poor. It will suck (to put in the verbiage of the age). But in asking our government to be fiscally responsible, we need to be fiscally responsible ourselves. And, unfortunately, that will mean some families/people/etc. will need to purchase used boats and not new ones. This has all sort have been a venting tangent (more because one of my staff members has decided that she and her newly wed husband should have a baby, while having maxed out all of their credit cards, delinquent in their house payment which they bought on a five year arm although neither of them had any chance of increasing their income even remotely enough to cover the increased payment, has never voted, etc). So please tolerate my venting in this thread, since (contrary to the belief that I am liberal) I am an extremely conservative (fiscally and in the overall belief of government roles and responsibilities) person, like many of you here.

        Since I have a feeling this thread is either soon to get extremely emotional or shut down, I pretty much figure I will stick to boating comments after this. No disrespect to anyone about their own beliefs, fiscal situations, etc meant in this post, by myself, and at risk of speaking for others, most of the other members of PN I imagine.
        Eric, Phoenix AZ

        G23 550 hp (finally here)
        2002 Super Air
        1994 Sun Tracker Party Barge 115 hp


        • MARK-S
          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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          Vote them all out

          1. BO just needs to show his actual BC and this is all over. The problem is, every time some clown like trump brings it up, BO gets a few million sent to his coffers from all the lefties.
          2. We need to dump all of them. Left, right and center. Every stinken one of them is bought and paid for and if a normal common man runs, the media pushes them out.
          3. The voters have been too stupid for too long.
          4. Taxes is not the way out of this. Waste and reduced spending over a long time is the only way. If you give these clowns more money, they will just spend it and the debt will stay the same.
          5. Paul Ryans plan is close but we need to have that for the next 20 years to make a dent.

          Good Luck
          Life long Nautique guy
          Will ski anytime.


          • sodbuster88
            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
            • Nov 2008
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            • Clayton, NC

            Getting Back To the Subject Of This Post

            Originally posted by AirTool View Post
            that's pretty good. I saw one last Saturday that caught me right.

            "Over a million people attended Obama's inauguration...only 14 missed work."
            That is a good one.......right back at ya with this one
            Attached Files


            • SkiTower
              1,000 Post Club Member
              • Nov 2007
              • 2172

              • Clayton, NC

              Oldie but goodie...

              The Dept of Defense briefed the President this morning.

              They told President Obama that 2 Brazilian soldiers were killed in Iraq .

              To everyone's surprise, he collapsed onto his desk, head in his
              hands, visibly shaken, almost in tears.

              Finally, he composed himself and asked, 'Just how many is a brazilian?'

              This is not surprising, since he obviously has no understanding of billion
              or trillion either.

              Though he recently proved he knows where Brazil is: that's the place he goes to play soccer while war is going on in Libya.
              2007 SV211 SE
              Tow Vehicle 2019 Tundra


              • east tx skier
                1,000 Post Club Member
                • Apr 2005
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                • Tyler, TX

                Released this morning.

                1998 Ski Nautique (Red/Silver Cloud), GT-40, Perfect Pass Stargazer 8.0z (Zbox), Acme #422, Tunable Rudder.


                • horkn
                  • Aug 2007
                  • 270

                  • WI

                  • 78 CC Martinique, rebuilt floor and custom interior.

                  So, let's count the people in this thread with egg on their face. Add trump to the list as well.

                  I have to give credit to all the republicans that wanted no part in this witch hunt and distanced themselves from the birther debate.


                  • pwsspartan
                    • Apr 2011
                    • 1

                    • USA

                    I can never really judge a person until I get to know him/her in person. But other leaders, they tend to be more inspired and determined if everyone is against them. Proving the society wrong that they can also excel in other ways.
                    Marathon 5k | Adventure Racing


                    • Nautiquehunter
                      1,000 Post Club Member
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                      If it is real it still doesn't explain the stalling for 2 1/2 years . Also where are the school records and the passport information . There is still a lot that needs to be explained since it was never disclosed in the first place. What is he trying to hide? If you want your personal history to remain private then DONT run for a PUBLIC office. At this point its less important where he came from with his job performance so far he needs to just go away.


                      • AirTool
                        1,000 Post Club Member
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 4049

                        • Katy, Texas

                        Originally posted by Nautiquehunter View Post
                        If it is real it still doesn't explain the stalling for 2 1/2 years . Also where are the school records and the passport information . There is still a lot that needs to be explained since it was never disclosed in the first place. What is he trying to hide? If you want your personal history to remain private then DONT run for a PUBLIC office. At this point its less important where he came from with his job performance so far he needs to just go away.
                        I agree with your latter statement. So we should end it.

                        BUT, wasn't there also the story he was born off the island and they dragged him there to beat a Hawaii law that says you can be born off the islands and be brought to the mainland within 5 days and still be an official Hawaii resident, etc.? A provision for natives that might be born on islands that might not be Hawaii "proper".

                        That is the original story I hear that he was born in Kenya then they brought him here within ( some say after) the deadline to be Hawaiian. (But doing that disqualifies you to be president.)

                        i also hear his parents denounced his citizinship to attend that overseas grade school. I thought that also disqualified you.

                        I don't know (or now care anymore). It is just what I've read. he will be out soon enough and be fodder for the history books.

                        I just want to keep more of the money I make and go boating more.


                        • ers906
                          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                          • Feb 2010
                          • 921

                          • Phoenix AZ

                          • 2013 G23 550 hp (ordered and awaiting delivery) 2002 Super Sport (coverted into a SAN) 330 hp Excaliber 1994 Sun Tracker Party Barge 115 hp 1989 Horizon 200 Four Winns - sold 1989 Regal Commodore 280 - previous Possibly looking into picking up a 70'2-80's Nautique to rebuild as a ski boat

                          I agree!
                          Eric, Phoenix AZ

                          G23 550 hp (finally here)
                          2002 Super Air
                          1994 Sun Tracker Party Barge 115 hp

