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I realize CC is not in the business of video production, but I'm surprised they don't contract with someone to do a series of instructional DVDs to teach the various watersports.
There would be some advantages to making the videos themselves:
- CC could control how the videos are made. (We know CC is very conserative... I'm sure a video by them would reflect that.)
- CC could use their own boats in the video.
- CC could use some of the skiers and wakeboarders they sponser to make the video.
- CC could sell them through their dealers and, assuming it is up and running, nautiquegear.com (I know... that was a cheap dig.) as well as Overton's, etc...
They could do an entire series - Water skiing, Wakeboarding, Kneeboarding, etc. Sell them individually or in a box set. Maybe do one on boating safety... They could include that one with new boats they sell.
I know what you're thinking, do I have to spend the money to teach my kids these sports? I could talk my kids through it, but I'm sure the Pros know some tricks I don't... It would be great for anyone getting into watersports too. Heck, it might even be a good reminder for anyone who's forgotten the basics.