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Where are you from and why are you moving to Mtl? Do you have a boat?
What do mean by clubs? If you don't have a boat there is a cable park near Montreal.
There are a lot of lakes within a 1hr drive surrounding the city. There are also wakeboarding schools that let you rent time on the boat, let's say 30min for 60$ or something like that.
im in UK at mo, this would be a move with my work. I currently own a boat here, but thinking maybe need to get one when I get there, or the rental idea sounds interesting.
My boat is a Ski Nautique 196, 2005 model.
Whats the season like there - I guess its generally from April-September??
Do you know what the fees are like in the marinas?
The season is more like mid-May to September. This is my first season of owning a boat and that's pretty much when I put in my boat and I plan on taking it out at the end of september or early october.
I think for a 20' foot boat it's around 1200$ for a season at a marina but really not sure.
Immediately around Mtl in the St-Lawrence river or Canal Lachine the water can get rough because you have some bigger boats passing by.
I do have mine on a lake at my parents cottage. Some lakes have marinas as well or small yacht clubs or ski clubs where you pay to have the boat there all season. But most lakes also have a public launch ramp that is most often free of very low cost. There are alot of possibilities for sure.
Are you going to be staying downtown?
I don't mind the questions at all, I was so surprised to see someone ask about Montreal on this site! lol