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I've spent some time on Mojave. In general, it is a very deep lake. We have been "close" to the shoreline, but like always, if you're going to go in close, go slow, keep someone up front as a spotter and proceed with caution. We never anchored on shore. We would throw our anchor off shore and then tie up the stern from shore.
If you put in in Laughlin on the river side, you already are braver than I am. Many years ago, before the drought we're experiencing now in the west, we dinged up a buddies prop on his I/O. We had to walk it back up river to the deeper water before we could start it back up so we could pull out and get a new prop. After that, we only put in in Mojave when we're in laughlin.
My issue with Mojave is the wind. When it comes up, which seems to be almost every day, the chop can get up to 3 foot, which is brutal in a wakeboard or ski boat.
But other than that, it is a beautiful lake. We took a day trip from Katherine's Landing on the south end of the lake all the way up to the base of Hoover Dam. It's something like 45 miles. Talk about a great day on the water...at least until the ride home when we got to endure some of that 3 foot chop.
You're right..Mohave was generally deep. For the most part, the gauge stayed between 35-125 ft most of the time when you're in/around the main lake. NO CHANCE I would put a direct drive on the river side of the Davis Dam...It seems like most of the water is not very deep near the casinos. I would almost be nervous in a PWC. lol If I'm not near Havasu, I'm gonna stay in Mohave or north or Mohave. We launched out of Katherine's Landing over the weekend and generally stayed in Mohave proper. I wanted to go sight-see a little up through Gasoline Alley, but when I got to some shallow waters around the first buoy I had seen since we left the dock the waters got in the single digits and I turned around. I don't know if I was there during the time of day where water levels were low or I just navigated to a part of the lake where it was shallow???? I know what you mean about the chop and wind....heading SOUTHBOUND on the river is not smooth all day long for the most part.
What's the trick to heading up to Hoover and staying in the deepest parts of the lake? I'd like to try that next time... Thanks in advance. Chris
What's the trick to heading up to Hoover and staying in the deepest parts of the lake? I'd like to try that next time... Thanks in advance. Chris
There really wasn't a trick to it. It was relatively early in the season (May/June) so the water was deep the entire way. We left early in the morning because it's a long boat ride and to avoid the wind. We drove right up the middle of the lake most of the way and then when you get into the river mouth, it is a gorgeous drive through the canyon.
I highly recommend it to anyone going to Mojave, just go early to take the wind out of play as much as possible.
BKinSoCal - Brian
'08 SANTE 230 - Current
'05 SANTE - Sold '10
'04 216 TE - Sold in '05
Thanks for the info. I'll be ready for that gorgeous ride through the canyons next year. I noticed you're in MV...you ever take the SANTE locally, like Piru, Pyramid, or Castaic? Seems like we're being blessed with an indian summer and I wanna take my SNOB out a few more times..
I haven't been to any of those lakes in a LONG time and for no other reason than we have a place in Parker and we keep the boat there so we don't have to drive it back and forth across the desert. We generally make it out there twice a month Spring Break through Thanksgiving. In fact, I just got back last night from a 4-day guys trip. The water was about 72 and the air was about 92. Great conditions and SMALL crowds. I love October at the River. The Glamis crowds have already made the switch to desert fun from water fun.
If you ever need a 3rd to hit up any of the local lakes, let me know. I'm always game to be on the water.
BKinSoCal - Brian
'08 SANTE 230 - Current
'05 SANTE - Sold '10
'04 216 TE - Sold in '05