This really chaps my hide!

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  • lucky7t
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Mar 2011
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    • Oklahoma

    • 2015 SANTE

    This really chaps my hide!

    I'm not some kind of animal activist or anything but this really chaps my hide. This weekend a guy threw a kitten out of his window while my wife and I were walking the dog. The kitten was maybe 2 weeks old. It hit a tree at about 25 mph. I posted this ad on craigslist today. I may be over reacting but I don't see why someone would do this.
    Current Correct Craft Boat
    [URL=""]2015 SANTE 210[/URL]

    Correct Craft Boats Owned
    [URL=""]2012 SANTE 210 (Boatmate Trailer)[/URL]
    [URL=""]2003 SANTE 210 (Dorsey Trailer)[/URL]
    [URL=""]2007 SANTE 210 (Magnum Trailer)[/URL]
  • ers906
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Feb 2010
    • 921

    • Phoenix AZ

    • 2013 G23 550 hp (ordered and awaiting delivery) 2002 Super Sport (coverted into a SAN) 330 hp Excaliber 1994 Sun Tracker Party Barge 115 hp 1989 Horizon 200 Four Winns - sold 1989 Regal Commodore 280 - previous Possibly looking into picking up a 70'2-80's Nautique to rebuild as a ski boat

    As a veterinarian, we see the results of this type of thing way too frequently. There is a special place in **** for people like this. If you ever do find the guy, please let me know and I can send some drugs which you can use to prolong his agony, or advice or where permanent damage can be inflicted to negate his reproductive ability (kidding, but only slightly). I like the CL post, I do not think you over-reacted at all. I saw the same thing one while I was walking my dog, and was able to shatter his back window with a well placed rock. He was not thrilled in my actions at all, but when you have 2 150# dogs with you, there is not much he could do. bodyguards are great at times.
    Eric, Phoenix AZ

    G23 550 hp (finally here)
    2002 Super Air
    1994 Sun Tracker Party Barge 115 hp


    • lucky7t
      1,000 Post Club Member
      • Mar 2011
      • 1306

      • Oklahoma

      • 2015 SANTE

      Originally posted by ers906 View Post
      As a veterinarian, we see the results of this type of thing way too frequently. There is a special place in **** for people like this. If you ever do find the guy, please let me know and I can send some drugs which you can use to prolong his agony, or advice or where permanent damage can be inflicted to negate his reproductive ability (kidding, but only slightly). I like the CL post, I do not think you over-reacted at all. I saw the same thing one while I was walking my dog, and was able to shatter his back window with a well placed rock. He was not thrilled in my actions at all, but when you have 2 150# dogs with you, there is not much he could do. bodyguards are great at times.
      I Appreciate the message as I did not know If I overreacted. My wife stopped me from getting in the truck and hunting him down. Unfortunately in areas around the lake it is very secluded and tend to have some very "Special" people. I was about 1 second away from losing my temper. Good thing I didn't as I would probably be in jail and could not attempt my barefooting skills

      Our dog is a wire haired terrier that thinks he is a german shephard. He's a great dog but not much of a bodyguard.
      Last edited by lucky7t; 07-02-2012, 12:27 PM.
      Current Correct Craft Boat
      [URL=""]2015 SANTE 210[/URL]

      Correct Craft Boats Owned
      [URL=""]2012 SANTE 210 (Boatmate Trailer)[/URL]
      [URL=""]2003 SANTE 210 (Dorsey Trailer)[/URL]
      [URL=""]2007 SANTE 210 (Magnum Trailer)[/URL]


      • Chexi
        1,000 Post Club Member
        • Mar 2025
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        • Austin

        • 2000 SAN

        This is animal cruelty. Most states have criminal statutes on this. Too bad you did not get the license plate number. You could have reported him and had him arrested, prosecuted, and possibly even imprisoned. I swear that at least half of the human race needs to walk off a cliff. The world would be a better place for it.
        2000 SAN

        1999 Air Nautique
        1996 Tige Pre-2000
        1989 Lowe 24' Pontoon / Johnson 100HP outboard


        • lucky7t
          1,000 Post Club Member
          • Mar 2011
          • 1306

          • Oklahoma

          • 2015 SANTE


          I just got back from the vet and its a male and 6-8 weeks old. He did sustain permanent damage to his lower lip. His lower gum will be exposed for the rest of his life. He was very malnourished and gave us some critical food. I was told to bath him in some dawn dish wash soap because he is too small for flea/tick meds. Ill bath him tonight which should be real fun especially after the heck this cat has been through. I'm just happy that he is going to be ok.

          You are 100% correct and appreciate your response.
          Current Correct Craft Boat
          [URL=""]2015 SANTE 210[/URL]

          Correct Craft Boats Owned
          [URL=""]2012 SANTE 210 (Boatmate Trailer)[/URL]
          [URL=""]2003 SANTE 210 (Dorsey Trailer)[/URL]
          [URL=""]2007 SANTE 210 (Magnum Trailer)[/URL]


          • Nautiquehunter
            1,000 Post Club Member
            • Jun 2008
            • 2080

            • Flowery Branch GA Lake Lanier

            • 2008 210 SANTE 67 Correct Craft Mustang

            Too bad you didn't get the licence plate . I would like to take them bare footing with hand cuffs attached to the rope.


            • core-rider
              1,000 Post Club Member
              • Feb 2004
              • 1348

              • Huntsville, AL

              • 2003 Black SANTE


              Originally posted by nautiquehunter View Post
              too bad you didn't get the licence plate . I would like to take them bare footing with hand cuffs attached to the rope naked, across razor wire, broken glass, sheet of plywood full of rusty nails, then just for fun a bath in alcohol to clean him up for his trip to jail.
              All black 2003 SANTE
              -- Southern Fried --


              • migs
                Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                • Aug 2008
                • 703

                • San Mateo, CA

                • SAN 210 TE

                people who treat animals poorly should be erradicated.

                G21 - En route
                SAN 210 TE (Finally)
                06 Sky Supreme V220(previous)
                05 Sanger V210(previous)
                01 MC X1(previous)
                99 Air Warrior(previous)


                • east tx skier
                  1,000 Post Club Member
                  • Apr 2005
                  • 1561

                  • Tyler, TX

                  We netted one animal this weekend. One very tiny, hungry Calico kitten that has the personality of a good dog and proceeded to follow my son around the lake frontage all weekend. The cat will be going to live with my father in law on his ranch.

                  One, super sweet, Golden Retriever mix. Saw her swimming near the launch. Saw her later swimming near our dock a couple of hundred yards down the lake. She was nearing exhaustion, but we coaxed her onto the shore. Hurt foot, but with tags. Called the owner, who lived down the street. Apparently, the dog followed them and their boat about a quarter of a mile to the ramp without their knowing and went for a swim, but didn't know how to get back to the ramp. They were on the lake for fireworks and didn't seem concerned enough to come get the dog immediately. "Could you keep her until we get back?" Nice owner. You bet we'll keep her for a while ... longer if you like.
                  1998 Ski Nautique (Red/Silver Cloud), GT-40, Perfect Pass Stargazer 8.0z (Zbox), Acme #422, Tunable Rudder.


                  • Chexi
                    1,000 Post Club Member
                    • Mar 2025
                    • 2119

                    • Austin

                    • 2000 SAN

                    Seems Like the dog might be better off if its owners leave her with you indefinitely. One of the few negatives I have experienced since moving to Texas is the marked increase in dead pet animals I see on the highways. I think that there is a significant portion of the human population here that thinks of pets as disposable items. You get that everywhere, but it seems a lot worse here than back in Wisconsin.
                    Last edited by Chexi; 07-05-2012, 01:21 PM.
                    2000 SAN

                    1999 Air Nautique
                    1996 Tige Pre-2000
                    1989 Lowe 24' Pontoon / Johnson 100HP outboard


                    • east tx skier
                      1,000 Post Club Member
                      • Apr 2005
                      • 1561

                      • Tyler, TX

                      Dog would surely be better off. But it had tags and we called. Otherwise, it would have the run of 100 acres as I type this.
                      1998 Ski Nautique (Red/Silver Cloud), GT-40, Perfect Pass Stargazer 8.0z (Zbox), Acme #422, Tunable Rudder.

