A year ago I submitted a request for feedback with a video and got good stuff to work on. Then i was skiing 28 mph 15 off and now I am at 32mph 15 off. Using open water to build strength and endurance for the faster speed and yesterday was the 1st day out on my new Radar Senate. I know I have a lot to work on still and you can see parts of the video where I am way out of my comfort zone, but overall I am pleased with how I adapted to the new ski.
My request is in regards to the slow release of the handle to a fully extended arm. Currently I feel like I am being jerked back towards the boat as i attempt to reach with full extension and ski back to the handle. Any tips apart from the obvious - ski 3 times a week?
The second request is tips for not over shooting my off side. You can see just before the crash I go back to my pull out 2x because my offside edge transition sucked due to over shooting it.