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In regards to hosting the mp3 on PlanetNautique, it's a pretty big file. We could probably host it for awhile, but a file of that size would burn through our bandwidth pretty quickly. I'll check our options to see what we can offer.
Its a 175 meg single track or I have it broken down into tracks, zipped up 700 meg file. Reason its so big is because its in wave format and you can not use mp3 format when tracking a mixed cd.
So if you want it in MP3 it is gonna come across as 1 large track, with 3 second breaks in it where the new tracks start and stop.
I will be getting FIOS 5mb/2mb next week. I would be willing to p2p through aol, msn, or yahoo messenger if someone wants to send me the file. I could also host it on a friend's website but would limit the daily downloads due to bandwith concerns. Let me know.