statistics show that under the ban mass killings actually increased a little as did the number of victims. however, during the ban the use of "military" type rifles was down from like 3.8% to 1.6%. i'm not really worried about it, but i have been to the store just because of the new talks about banning things. side note: many AR rifles and variants are MADE IN THE USA. that would certainly put people out of work.
Originally posted by AirTool View Post
Almost all Glock clips are now backordered. Order now and get in line.
To our valued customers: Thank you for visiting our website. Glock magazines of all varieties are currently in huge demand and short supply. We are receiving shipments of magazines on a regular basis. However, magazines are now on back order status. We are taking orders for Glock magazines and will ship them according to the order in which the invoices were created. If you want to receive Glock magazines, I encourage you to make an order, get in the rotation and we will ship your order as soon as possible. Your credit card will not be billed until your order is ready to ship. You will receive a tracking number when it ships. Thank you for your patience and thank you for visiting
I have a S&W M&P.40 compact which is great conceal gun, great performance. BUT, I just picked up a Springfield XDs .45 (slim single stack 5+1) which I love! I would definitely look into the XDs for anyone who was interested in a slim .45Todd Aalbu
1999 SNOB
66.5" HO S2
I love the xd. I had a .40 4". Loved the chamber indicator, striker indicator, and grip safety. I had night sights and an insight light, along with some "sandpaper" applied to the grips. Very reliable and durable pistols.