this stuff is nuts. these anti-gunners are seriously trying to destroy the second amendment. we know what it was designed to do; which is help citizens protect themselves from a tyranical regime. absolutely nothing to do with hunting. Also, if you tell me all the bright people from this time never thought to themselves, "wow, i really wish i could just shoot and pull the trigger rather than having to do all this other crap.", then you're fooling yourself. Please write your representatives and let them know how you feel.
"A little revolution every now and then is a good thing"
-I believe Jefferson said it but don't quote me on it.
I recently read an article here in pa news paper that stated an estimated 1 MILLION hunters entered the woods the first day of rifle. It went on to explain in better words than I can remember, that if there is that many armed citizens in Pennsylvania alone then imagine the civilian army there would be if ever we needed one. Pretty amazing to think about right? Which is exactly why I believe the gov wants our guns.