I would agree with you. It's $180/mo this yr., seems to have gone up $5 every year with no improvement in service or facility. The courtesy dock was a dilapidated disaster all last year and the restaurant hs gone so far downhill we dont hang out there much anymore.
Plenty of room to allow for backing these beasts in and I would consider possibly a taller door myself to allow for RVs and for people with G23s that dont want to put the tower down
I get my G this coming weekend. Give me a shoutnwhen you all are ready to start the season.
Plenty of room to allow for backing these beasts in and I would consider possibly a taller door myself to allow for RVs and for people with G23s that dont want to put the tower down

I get my G this coming weekend. Give me a shoutnwhen you all are ready to start the season.