I've come to learn there are a few dog lovers on the forum. I'm hoping one of you is an attorney. My little lab mix was literally skinned alive by two Pitts Tuesday afternoon. She is doing very well after surgery but I need some help. Please let me know if you can! The problem is that the Pitts were leashed but mine was not. Two very large Pitts being walked by a young girl who could not stop them. Thanks for your help. I will give The complete story upon request. I will add now that I too was bitten in the attack.
i am NOT an attorney. I am so sorry for you and hope your pup gets back to good health quickly. From what little "dog" law i know, it's going to depend on where you live, if these dogs have past incidents, and where it actually occurred. In case you missed it, Mark Kelly, the shameless ex astronaut who shamefully exploits his wife in hopes of gaining some political grounds, recently had no charges filed against him when his giant dog got away from his daughter on a beach and killed a sea lion or seal. I love pitbulls, but given the small details you've given i have to assume that whoever raised it did so in an abusive way, and/or got an overbred dog probably not from an AKC recognized breeder. it's worth a call to an attorney. once again, i hope everything turns out well regardless of any litigation. i would like to hear the whole story if it's not too painful for you to tell, and the fact that you were bitten probably puts alot of the "blame" on the pitt bull owner. to lighten the mood i heard a joke today. "put your dog and your wife in the trunk of your car for an hour or two. When you open it which one do you think will be happy to see you?" man's best friend of course.Last edited by gride; 04-18-2013, 09:09 PM.
- Feb 2010
- 921
- Phoenix AZ
- 2013 G23 550 hp (ordered and awaiting delivery) 2002 Super Sport (coverted into a SAN) 330 hp Excaliber 1994 Sun Tracker Party Barge 115 hp 1989 Horizon 200 Four Winns - sold 1989 Regal Commodore 280 - previous Possibly looking into picking up a 70'2-80's Nautique to rebuild as a ski boat
Pepper spray or mace is better against dogs. You can grab yours and get out of there while the others are blinded and in pain. While you and your own dog may be a bit affected by the spray, it is better than firing a weapon (which likely a person could miss or hit their own pet)Eric, Phoenix AZ
G23 550 hp (finally here)
2002 Super Air
1994 Sun Tracker Party Barge 115 hp
My glock was on my hip. I could not get a safe clear shot. All three dogs and the young girl were all over. A very chaotic scene. I did file a report and was treated for my bite. In a nutshell, I was watering my freshly planted grass with grace at my side. I heard a scream, get your dog! By the time I processed the scream my dog had left the yard assuming she was about to make some new friends. In a split second, the Pitts had my tiny lab on her back and teeth sunk in. I ran over and dropped to my knees and grabbed my dog with my left hand in a position not to allow the attacking dog to get a better bite and threw heavy right hooks to the pitts head that had no effect. Which is how my bite happened. Me and the Pitt were pretty much in a tug of war with Gracie by the skin on the back of her neck. The fight ended when the skin tore, skinning her from behind the ears to her shoulders. When the skin broke, I flew back, and the pit flew back into the girl walking it, she fell and dropped its leash. I then grabbed that dog by its harness as it eyed me up for attack. I then put my right hand on my holstered weapon and told her twice to get her dog or I will shoot it. She then took the leash and I rushed my dog with major injuries to the er vet. She later posted on face book that my dog attacked her and her dogs and her dogs acted in defense. They are pressing charges. It is an absolute laughable concept that my lab would attack.
ok. well absolutely call an attorney first thing in the morning. that's the smartest thing you can do. not to be racist, but was it a non-white girl? how old was she? just as i and you have a responsibility regarding our deadly tools(firearms), she has a responsibility to be able to control her animals with a bite pressure of 1600lbs per square inch whether it be by simple voice command, being able to hold the leash(s), or a loving upbringing for her animals. i've never known a pit to be mean in any way except the ones that have been neglected and abused.
Originally posted by scott resick View PostMy glock was on my hip.
Originally posted by scott resick View PostI then put my right hand on my holstered weapon and told her twice to get her dog or I will shoot it.
PS - added a 27 to my collection yesterday. Next is G30.
We should lock this tread before it becomes part of the hearings.
glad to hear she's happy and being well cared for at your house. maybe we should lock this thread in case legal action(s) occur. nothing said on your part could really damage anything if you'd tell the same version of events or did tell the same version of events in your report, but better to err on the side of caution.
thank you. Also, with the history of the dogs, ( they attacked another neighbors dog last year that was leashed) I was hoping for a note on my door when I got home that night from dropping the dog off at ER vet and my ER visit. But nothing, the young girls just walked her dogs away without saying a word which I hold no contempt, but I expected something from the parents.