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I'm kind if bummed at the lack of interest here...
I was temporarily sedated by the $60 duck song.
Both videos are disturbing. Especially the stupidity going on in the first one. That is just asinine behavior on the part of our government. Where is the ACLU when you need them (joking of course). The government/military/whoever over reacted entirely through the then entire manhunt situation IMO. Seems like testosterone got the best of them. I also wondered why they had the shootout Friday when they were trying to take him alive. Seems they are a bit trigger happy.
Side note - all of your home protection guns should have the ability to penetrate your front door from the inside out.
Another side note - since the marathon bombing, approximately 20,000 unborn babies were legally murdered with very little media attention. Since aborted babies legally don't die because they were never legally born...their deaths are not counted. If the deaths were counted, abortion would be the leading cause of death in America.
Both of these articles too me appear to practice runs on public reaction. The people in grides video completely complied. While the family in my article at least drew the line when asked to see the gun safe. Even when threatened with the law. We have to know our rights. And protect them. They never came back to inspect his safe, nor were charges applied.
I'm kind if bummed at the lack of interest here...
how much do you want to bet that well over 1/2 the people on here could even name the 4th amendment without a google search. let's face it, society today will gladly trade civil liberties for a false sense of security.
my only correspondance with those idiots would be to return with a warrant.
Both videos are disturbing. Especially the stupidity going on in the first one. That is just asinine behavior on the part of our government. Where is the ACLU when you need them (joking of course). The government/military/whoever over reacted entirely through the then entire manhunt situation IMO. Seems like testosterone got the best of them. I also wondered why they had the shootout Friday when they were trying to take him alive. Seems they are a bit trigger happy.
Side note - all of your home protection guns should have the ability to penetrate your front door from the inside out.
Another side note - since the marathon bombing, approximately 20,000 unborn babies were legally murdered with very little media attention. Since aborted babies legally don't die because they were never legally born...their deaths are not counted. If the deaths were counted, abortion would be the leading cause of death in America.
Current Correct Craft Boat
[URL="http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/02/05/1e6128564805861d2625d7b7f8efd2f1.jpg"]2015 SANTE 210[/URL]
how much do you want to bet that well over 1/2 the people on here could even name the 4th amendment without a google search. let's face it, society today will gladly trade civil liberties for a false sense of security.
my only correspondance with those idiots would be to return with a warrant.
Two words
Probable cause
Unless these morons had an interview with someone who proves there is imminent danger I don't see probable cause. Had they researched they would have found that the child had a hunting license. The knee jerk reactions of these cowboys really fires me up.
1983 civil action I bet gets filed soon
Current Correct Craft Boat
[URL="http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/02/05/1e6128564805861d2625d7b7f8efd2f1.jpg"]2015 SANTE 210[/URL]