Affordable Boat Act

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  • jkallen21
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Jan 2013
    • 399

    • United States

    • 2006 Super Air 220

    Affordable Boat Act

    Hope this hasn't been posted before - my search wasn't working:

    The Affordable Boat Act
    The U.S. government has just passed a new law called: "The Affordable Boat Act" declaring that every citizen MUST purchase a new boat, by April 2014. These "affordable" boats will cost an average of $54,000-$155,000 each. This does not include taxes, trailers, towing fees, licensing and registration fees, fuel, docking and storage fees, maintenance or repair costs.
    This law has been passed, because until now, typically only wealthy and financially responsible people have been able to purchase boats. This new law ensures that every American can now have an "affordable" boat of their own, because everyone is entitled to a new boat. If you purchase your boat before the end of the year, you will receive 4 "free" life jackets; not including monthly usage fees.

    In order to make sure everyone purchases an affordable boat, the costs of owning a boat will increase on average of 250-400% per year. This way, wealthy people will pay more for something that other people don't want or can't afford to maintain. But to be fair, people who can't afford to maintain their boat will be regularly fined, and children (under the age of 26) can use their parent’s boats to party on until they turn 27; then must purchase their own boat.

    If you already have a boat, you can keep yours (just kidding; no you can’t). If you don't want or don't need a boat, you are required to buy one anyhow. If you refuse to buy one or can't afford one, you will be regularly fined $800 until you purchase one, or face imprisonment.

    Failure to use the boat will also result in fines. People living in the desert, ghettos, inner cities or areas with no access to lakes are not exempt. Age, motion sickness, experience, knowledge, nor lack of desire are acceptable excuses for not using your boat.

    A government review board (that doesn't know the difference between the port, starboard or stern sides of a boat) will decide everything, including; when, where, how often and for what purposes you can use your boat along with how many people can ride your boat, and determine if one is too old or healthy enough to be able to use their boat. They will also decide if your boat has outlived its usefulness, or if you must purchase specific accessories (like a $500 compass), or a newer and more expensive boat. Those who can afford yachts will be required to do so… it’s only fair. The government will also decide the name for each boat. Failure to comply with these rules will result in fines and possible imprisonment.

    Government officials are exempt from this new law. If they want a boat, they and their families can obtain boats free, at the expense of taxpayers. Unions, bankers and mega companies with large political affiliations are also exempt.
  • northwestwater
    • Jul 2012
    • 64

    • steilacoom lake, WA

    • 2000 calabria 2004 SV 211 2006 220 2009 230 409 hp 2013 G23 550 hp NSS

    JK. hadn't seen this and it's a funny analogy but, you need 1999 more pages to be legitimate. i don't know if any others are having problems finding out how to estimate costs but, our company is right around 50 employees. Based on our teams best guess of the law's metric, we are assuming going over. our premiums are estimated to rise 50% by january 1. but, no one will say for sure until we get there. already, we have spent thousands in our own labor costs trying to research the law and find out exactly what the heck we are supposed to do to be in compliance. what a mess. i hope those who designed this monstrosity behind closed doors thought it out enough to save the US healthcare system or provide an improved one. somehow, i doubt it...
    2013 G23 550 NSS
    2009 230 409
    2006 220
    2004 SV 211
    2000 calabria


    • SkiTower
      1,000 Post Club Member
      • Nov 2007
      • 2172

      • Clayton, NC

      you're wasting your time trying to interpret it. All that matters is how the IRS interprets it, and it won't be to our advantage. Laws are purposefully written ambiguous so they can mean whatever those in power want them to mean.

      2007 SV211 SE
      2007 SV211 SE
      Tow Vehicle 2019 Tundra


      • AirTool
        1,000 Post Club Member
        • Sep 2007
        • 4049

        • Katy, Texas

        I've read it is a 10 year plan for single payer.

        Obama's brilliant idea with the fouled up website will get us there in six months. It's all a front.

        My prediction is next year when people don't have insurance (like me, because Texas is "out" and the feds are behind) Obama is going to write an Executive Order allowing everyone to get healthcare and the providers just send the bill to the government. Then the government will add a tax for it...a function of how "rich" you are. Poor people...nothing. Rich people like me, $$,$$$

        What P!$$($ me off the most is that the feds (even fox news) wants a delay so people don't get fined $95. WTH?
        Delays are not acceptable. Jan 1 I'm without insurance for the first time in my 45 year life. Has anybody thought about that?


        • AirTool
          1,000 Post Club Member
          • Sep 2007
          • 4049

          • Katy, Texas

          Originally posted by jkallen21 View Post
          The U.S. government has just passed a new law called: "The Affordable Boat Act" declaring .....
          Well, now that it's passed, we can learn what's in it.


          • jkallen21
            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
            • Jan 2013
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            • United States

            • 2006 Super Air 220

            However it goes down it will NOT be to the advantage if anyone who reads this forum. A delay is not enough - we need to wipe it out. But that's the problem with entitlements.

            Airtool - no use complaining. You have other people's health insurance to pay for so get back to work! Seriously, I feel for you on losing it at 45. I think we all see very clearly why all of this was not tried prior to the last presidential election. What a joke we have in Washington. Meanwhile, their keep real busy on renaming the Redskins....

            I quit watching and reading the news about a year ago. It really lowered my stress level. I highly recommend it to anyone. #HeadInSand


            • ffmedic74
              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
              • Jul 2003
              • 835

              • Lexington, KY

              The goal is to figure out how to get your own government entitlement.... Right!?!? Working hard and saving up your money is so old school haha.

              Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk


              • AirTool
                1,000 Post Club Member
                • Sep 2007
                • 4049

                • Katy, Texas

                Originally posted by ffmedic74 View Post
                The goal is to figure out how to get your own government entitlement.... Right!?!? .....
                This is becoming true around the world. I saw on Fox News one time that they did a study and figured out a poor family of 4.3 people could milk the government for 110K per year. Man, I know some hard working people that aren't earning close to that.

                For 110K per year from the government, I could spend a lot of time on the Guadalupe.

                Switching gears....what comes next? A revolution?....or becoming Chinese.

                The Chinese solution appears to me to be coming faster. What might happen, is we have a continental split with conservatives in the south and middle surrounded by Chinese on either cost (Poor Floridians).

                I need to stop....I'm starting to get irritated.

                And yes...I'm traveling. Y'all know how I get when I've been away from my 206 too long.


                • AirTool
                  1,000 Post Club Member
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 4049

                  • Katy, Texas

                  Soon we are going to need the "Affordable Government Act"

                  Start by firing all 535 full time lawmakers and their staff.

                  Its 537 if you count the VP and the guy the signs the laws.

                  Maybe there is more....can't remember if DC gets representation for their taxation.

                  "AirTool for President"


                  • gride
                    1,000 Post Club Member
                    • Jun 2007
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                    • War Eagle

                    • 05' 210 team

                    forgive me if i have these entitlements mixed up but; when social security was enacted it didn't kick in until 2 years after the average lifespan of a human was already reached. so basically most people died before recouping any benefits. nothings changed and the average lifespan is about 16 years longer. it was a ponzi scheme then and its an unfunded one now. i really don't think i can be more than casual acquaintances with anyone who is a democrat. i'll do business with you, i'll be nice to you, but i really actually hate you.


                    • sodbuster88
                      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 368

                      • Clayton, NC

                      Here's a great response from Alicia Cohn (Heritage Foundation). Top 10 reasons why I didn't sign up (letterman style):

                      10. There was no app for that
                      9. Still waiting on my free Obamaphone
                      8. Link was from a Nigerian prince
                      7. Got suspicious when it asked for payment in doubloons
                      6. They used Comic Sans
                      5. Couldn’t remember my underwear size when they asked
                      4. No cats
                      3. Website made by Canadians
                      2. Panda Cam came back online
                      1. Obama didn’t



                      • SkiTower
                        1,000 Post Club Member
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 2172

                        • Clayton, NC

                        Originally posted by gride View Post
                        forgive me if i have these entitlements mixed up but; when social security was enacted it didn't kick in until 2 years after the average lifespan of a human was already reached. so basically most people died before recouping any benefits
                        the other part of that is the baby boomer generation. when it was started you had more people paying into the system than taking out. Now that generation is the one taking out. Pyramid scheme, pure and simple.

                        2007 SV211 SE
                        2007 SV211 SE
                        Tow Vehicle 2019 Tundra


                        • Zach@n3
                          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                          • Sep 2012
                          • 736

                          • Indianapolis Indiana

                          • 1986 2001 ski nautique 68 correct craft skylark

                          So my footing buddy just went through the affordable care act stuff yesterday on the phone. He currently pays around 116 bucks a month for is insurance. After this next year is finished his premium for less coverage than he has now will increase to about 378 bucks a month. Explain how that is affordable. He was pretty steamed when he called me yesterday evening.


                          • ers906
                            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                            • Feb 2010
                            • 921

                            • Phoenix AZ

                            • 2013 G23 550 hp (ordered and awaiting delivery) 2002 Super Sport (coverted into a SAN) 330 hp Excaliber 1994 Sun Tracker Party Barge 115 hp 1989 Horizon 200 Four Winns - sold 1989 Regal Commodore 280 - previous Possibly looking into picking up a 70'2-80's Nautique to rebuild as a ski boat

                            My problem with entitlement programs is that the government is the worst offender of all. They are "entitled" to spend our money, issue executive orders to change laws to benefit their politics, and "entitled" to not balance their own check books and keep themselves in order. When the IRS comes knocking on my door, I am going to tell them I used government accountants so that is why I can continue to spend money I don't have. Wonder how tolerant they will be of me. Vote these clowns out, put term limits on every public office, and hold them to the same real-life responsibilities that the rest of us are held to. Or, none of sign up for insurance (we ride often, work hard, and likely are in better health than the average man/woman our age) and only do so if we get sick. Bankrupt the system by starving it of our $$$.
                            Eric, Phoenix AZ

                            G23 550 hp (finally here)
                            2002 Super Air
                            1994 Sun Tracker Party Barge 115 hp


                            • Zach@n3
                              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                              • Sep 2012
                              • 736

                              • Indianapolis Indiana

                              • 1986 2001 ski nautique 68 correct craft skylark

                              Government is getting to do what they want to freely these days and it's clearly evident. There needs to be some type of system of public checks and balances. I bet if everyone was fully aware of what this bill entailed everyone would have voted against it hands down. It really doesn't even make it affordable for people who cant afford it but it panelizes them. So it's affordable, but we're making you sing up. How does that work? Free will is being taken away in the form of penalization fees? How does that work? that's like saying you can buy gas at this store if you want but if you don't buy gas here it you have to pay a dollar more a gallon at this store. Government has too much ability to regulate private enterprise and it isn't in the interests of the people as it sits now. It's all in the interests of what they think will keep them in power. So if someone doesn't get in trouble for completely blundering something why would they not do it again??

