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He did surprisingly well, maybe a little practice on the wall would help, seems to get a lot of people. Never heard of the show before not sure how much I liked it especially when they ignored a bunch of people entirely including the guy who had like the second fastest time. It was eerie watching that one older guy pop his achilles, not sure I needed to see that 3 times in slow motion. After that I fast forwarded it through most of it so we could see the "showdown" between the 2 favorites. My wife was almost glad to see the guy Flip not make it through after hearing how positive the other guy was even through rehabbing knee injuries and the Flip was "devastated" by falling in the second round last year. I couldn't believe how fast a couple of those guys were and how well the 40+ woman and the guy with the prosthetic leg did.
2012 Super Air Nautique 210 Byerly Icon Edition EX343 <-- Current Boat 2007 Reinell 185 BR Volvo Penta 4.3GL <-- Former Boat
1988 Bayliner 195 Capri OMC Cobra 5.0 <-- Former "starter" Boat