Your Pet-Peeve

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  • ihaveansv211
    • Oct 2005
    • 164

    • New England

    Originally posted by gotwake
    Beer drinking, the occasional boat that drives by with topless girls, smoking on the swin deck, thongs, peeing off the bow, no-one on the lake, they left tube at home!, the occasional boat that drives by with topless girls, people who leave gas money, people who help wipe down the boat, the occasional boat that drives by with topless girls, the hot-chick who needs lotioning AGAIN, not a cloud in the sky, that guy who wants the stereo loud!, sex, running out of cheetos and grape pop, the "safety" guy, an empty launch ramp, the occasional boat that drives by with topless girls, when the wife wants to have an all ladies day, but needs a driver, your cousin forgets his sheep dog, jumping off the tower, jet ski's that think that your wake is too small, friends that bring too much beer, and lastly, the occasional boat that drives by with topless girls.
    thats what u hate? half of it sounds like the best summer anyone could have and the other half is what seems to be what u hate. kinda confused me there.

    keep in mind i work a Candlewood East Marina Club and some of the things that make me mad are what some of the members do and dont do so thats part of this list.

    yea anyway i hate when people are late to go wakeboarding. come on its only 5:30, just get up!
    people who dont do what they say they are gunna do
    people who cant ,trailor, launch, or drive their $60k boat
    people at work who come and get me or someone else to back their jet ski trailors down the ramp cause they drove em their but cant get em in the water
    jet skiers who try and race my built 01 seadoo xp. acually thats kinda funny sometimes
    mastercraft owners who just stare.
    people who cant learn to wakeboard or surf fast enough, sounds bad but it pisses me off sometimes. no clue why.
    people who get the rope swings stuck in the trees and then leave and let the next person (always me) swing out on the second rope and risk my life for the stupid thing.
    people who stand on the cliffs for hours saying their gunna do a gainer and never jump, then they end up climbing back down and get in their bayliner.
    bayliner owners
    bass boats at 4 am
    bass boats thinking they are donzi's and trim it up huge and put out a giant rooster tail
    when people dont understand me when im wakeboarding and im doing volume up/down, next song/last song, new cd signals, jeez people, lol.
    people who dont clean up after themselves at the marina.
    people who dont understand the rules at the marina and think that its a public beach when its a state of the art marina!
    whoever that guy was that came into work with brand new zo6 vette and did a burnout in the gravel. he shot stones into my legs and i had to rake the gravel back into the 2 marks he left, which were 40ft long.
    people who think my beach is a public beach and set up camp there.
    people who think that any honda they see with aftermarket parts is a ricer.
    (they can be fast if you build em right people!) 15.7 on the track in a 4 cyl mid 90s family car is fast enough for me.
    people who take a crap in my hotel room and clog the toilet and have to poke it with a knife we used at lunch so itl go down, ahem ahem. lol
    those little frosty cups
    no one being at the gas dock

    yea theres more, ill add some later maybe


    • jon4pres
      • Aug 2005
      • 189

      People who think they know everything about everything.
      People who have to justify every action they take.
      People who dont say THANK YOU. (It really isnt that hard but is all I really ask when I take you to the lake for the day and pay for everything.)
      People who are always sick or have something wrong with them. (I am not talking about someone with cancer but I am sure you know someone who is always sick because they make themselves that way.)
      People who think they are badda$$es and want to fight all of the time.
      People who drive trucks that look like they went to autozone and picked up every single aftermarket accesory and sticker that they had there .
      Cold weather.


      • 82tique
        • Aug 2004
        • 156

        • Butterville, Land-O-Lakes

        Re: RE: Your Pet-Peeve

        Originally posted by AirNautique211
        and drivers with little weeniies
        Life is Good.


        • nautique95
          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
          • Apr 2005
          • 420

          • Michigan

          • 1987 SN 2001 1994 SN 1995 Signature Edition 2005 206 Air Limited 2007 SV211 Team

          People who drive trucks that look like they went to autozone and picked up every single aftermarket accesory and sticker that they had there .
          Amen to that!


          • 82tique
            • Aug 2004
            • 156

            • Butterville, Land-O-Lakes

            Originally posted by ihaveansv211
            people who think my beach is a public beach

            I agree....It's always annoying to see the 'commoners' enjoying life on private property.
            Life is Good.


            • Nates78Ski
              • Jan 2005
              • 323

              • Rossford, Ohio

              Is this A boating-related pet peeves forum, or just pet peeves in general?...
              My \'78 SN


              • AbunDiga909
                1,000 Post Club Member
                • Sep 2003
                • 2470

                • St. Louis, MO

                Originally posted by Nates78Ski
                Is this A boating-related pet peeves forum, or just pet peeves in general?...
                ehh... i guess it was orgininally boating-related, but it doesn't matter its all interesting...
                [color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]


                • Richard-Howell
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 200

                  • New Hampshire


                  More anal

                  Little fingerprints on the windshield
                  kids vest buckles rubbing against vinyl (ok any part of craft)
                  Skiers not in control of their Finns (any ski to boat contact is frowned upon except gingerly resting on engine cover while lubing or tightening boot)
                  An observer not observing
                  A skier going to the platform without the handle
                  Out of place equipment- we llike clothes/towells behind passengers windshield, skis and vest behind drivers seats
                  Passengers in the rear facing observers seat resting their legs against speaker (196)
                  Scratches are kept to a minimum by rarely tying up except for the mooring and the bouy ring is padded with athletic tape. I always drive to docks where me the driver is responsible for catching and holding during boarding.

                  I don't allow footwear, sandy feet or crumby food, Pretzel rods are relatively safe and good with an occasional beer.

                  So am I the exception or the rule..............


                  • Richard-Howell
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 200

                    • New Hampshire

                    RE: Pet-Peeves

                    yea anyway i hate when people are late to go wakeboarding. come on its only 5:30, just get up!

                    My Pet Peeve Early Dawn wake-boarders messing up are more necessary slalom water


                    • cat1168
                      • Dec 2005
                      • 73

                      • Connecticut


                      When free skiing the driver can NOT drive straight.
                      The driver turning the boat when the skier is cutting.
                      Driver or spotter not paying attention.
                      Tubers killing all the good water.
                      People who don't offer gas money or bring drinks for anyone else.
                      Getting the boat ready on the ramp.

                      And by the way THE WATER SHOULD STAY ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE BOAT.


                      • MacedayDave
                        • Oct 2004
                        • 70

                        • Norris Lake - Andersonville, TN

                        • 2005 SN196LE

                        Little fingerprints on the windshield
                        kids vest buckles rubbing against vinyl (ok any part of craft)
                        Skiers not in control of their Finns (any ski to boat contact is frowned upon except gingerly resting on engine cover while lubing or tightening boot)
                        An observer not observing
                        A skier going to the platform without the handle
                        Out of place equipment- we llike clothes/towells behind passengers windshield, skis and vest behind drivers seats
                        Passengers in the rear facing observers seat resting their legs against speaker (196)
                        Scratches are kept to a minimum by rarely tying up except for the mooring and the bouy ring is padded with athletic tape. I always drive to docks where me the driver is responsible for catching and holding during boarding.

                        I don't allow footwear, sandy feet or crumby food, Pretzel rods are relatively safe and good with an occasional beer.

                        So am I the exception or the rule..............

                        I don't disagree with much of the above, except there is NO FOOD on my 196. We save the food (non-crumby) for the pontoon boat rides later on, and if there is any wine brought on boat the pontoon, it must be white, not red. (Red wine spills are tough to clean up). :grin:


                        • winebrad
                          • Apr 2005
                          • 90

                          • Napa, CA

                          • 2002 Air Nautique 216 Excaliber 330

                          Chocolate Chip Cookies in the hands of a 5 year old
                          Cheetos in the hand of any child
                          Personal Watercraft anywhere near my boat unless I am riding LOL!
                          Tubers in a ski/boarding area.
                          Those who have to throttle up when the rider/skier goes down and create a huge wake for no reason
                          Those who take more that 10 minutes to launch, drying off boat on ramp, ect...
                          The whole food thing is an issue with the kids I am affectionately called the Boat Nazi!


                          • nautique95
                            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                            • Apr 2005
                            • 420

                            • Michigan

                            • 1987 SN 2001 1994 SN 1995 Signature Edition 2005 206 Air Limited 2007 SV211 Team

                            Here is my latest "pet" peeve, I keep my boat in the garage. I had it uncovered while I have been detailing the interior, in the mean time our cat jumps in the boat and PUKES on the floor :evil: we almost had a dead cat!!


                            • cat1168
                              • Dec 2005
                              • 73

                              • Connecticut

                              Originally posted by nautique95
                              Here is my latest "pet" peeve, I keep my boat in the garage. I had it uncovered while I have been detailing the interior, in the mean time our cat jumps in the boat and PUKES on the floor :evil: we almost had a dead cat!!
                              That is a typical cat.
                              My last boat the neighbors cat peed in my boat, that cat was lucky we were moving.
                              Pet-peeve, when the skier drops and the driver does are hard turn to go get the skier, NICE big roller you just sent down the lake.


                              • AbunDiga909
                                1,000 Post Club Member
                                • Sep 2003
                                • 2470

                                • St. Louis, MO

                                Second worst day on the boat: The day the dog peed in the bow-walkway.

                                Absolute worst day on the boat: The day the dog crapped right behind the drivers seat.
                                [color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]

