Originally posted by gotwake
keep in mind i work a Candlewood East Marina Club and some of the things that make me mad are what some of the members do and dont do so thats part of this list.
yea anyway i hate when people are late to go wakeboarding. come on its only 5:30, just get up!
people who dont do what they say they are gunna do
people who cant ,trailor, launch, or drive their $60k boat
people at work who come and get me or someone else to back their jet ski trailors down the ramp cause they drove em their but cant get em in the water
jet skiers who try and race my built 01 seadoo xp. acually thats kinda funny sometimes
mastercraft owners who just stare.
people who cant learn to wakeboard or surf fast enough, sounds bad but it pisses me off sometimes. no clue why.
people who get the rope swings stuck in the trees and then leave and let the next person (always me) swing out on the second rope and risk my life for the stupid thing.
people who stand on the cliffs for hours saying their gunna do a gainer and never jump, then they end up climbing back down and get in their bayliner.
bayliner owners
bass boats at 4 am
bass boats thinking they are donzi's and trim it up huge and put out a giant rooster tail
when people dont understand me when im wakeboarding and im doing volume up/down, next song/last song, new cd signals, jeez people, lol.
people who dont clean up after themselves at the marina.
people who dont understand the rules at the marina and think that its a public beach when its a state of the art marina!
whoever that guy was that came into work with brand new zo6 vette and did a burnout in the gravel. he shot stones into my legs and i had to rake the gravel back into the 2 marks he left, which were 40ft long.
people who think my beach is a public beach and set up camp there.
people who think that any honda they see with aftermarket parts is a ricer.
(they can be fast if you build em right people!) 15.7 on the track in a 4 cyl mid 90s family car is fast enough for me.
people who take a crap in my hotel room and clog the toilet and have to poke it with a knife we used at lunch so itl go down, ahem ahem. lol
those little frosty cups
no one being at the gas dock
yea theres more, ill add some later maybe