Diga -- so tell me, did the dog swim to shore after that happened?? Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
my dog crapped in my boat one time. It was after she fell out and I found out how funny a basset hound looks swimming(but supprisingly she did a very good job). Luckily it was one of those nice rock hard sinkers. I just picked it up and threw it in the lake. I would much rather them crap than pee. Piss is much harder to clean up, and cat piss is just nasty.
Originally posted by nautique95Diga -- so tell me, did the dog swim to shore after that happened?? Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
My friend w/ his MC always makes fun of me for being as much of a CC fan as I am, and he was more than surprised the next time the dog was in the boat. If it were mine, I wouldn't have a dog in it unless it was of the upmost importance. The worst part is, we were coming back to the dock! We were literally just slowing down b/c we were getting close to shore, almost there, and bam, "Jacob, did someone fart?" we look at the dog, we look around the dog, I couldn't believe my eyes... "The dog **** on the boat, the dog **** on the boat..." That day sucked... simply sucked...[color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]
- Apr 2005
- 420
- Michigan
- 1987 SN 2001 1994 SN 1995 Signature Edition 2005 206 Air Limited 2007 SV211 Team
[Diga said]
"Jacob, did someone fart?" we look at the dog, we look around the dog, I couldn't believe my eyes... "The dog *** on the boat, the dog *** on the boat..."
Yellow_Flash_Colorz: Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
Round two: Old men who slalom ski and think they own some of the only flat water on the river because their course had first been installed back when all of them listened to Steely Dan on their boats' brand new FM radios, drank Pabst Blue Ribbon beer while cleaning their boats, smoked Kool cigarettes inbetween pulls, did the occasional line on their boat mirror, and never got beat to the flat water by anyone who was not engaging in all of the above-mentioned activites.
Only somewhat chastened in their middle ages, these slalom skiers are completely intolerable when now barging up on me and my friends during someone's wakeboard set to wrongly tell us that "they" are the only ones with "permission" to use the "course area" and actually expect us to retreat farther down the tidal river where the water is worse. After failing to get these guys to treat us like anyone else who loves flat water, and for a while expressing a willingness to abide by any reasonable interpretation of local slalom etiquette and turn taking rules, I find that my standard retorts anymore have been to drop a few F bombs, ecourage them to trade in their buggy whip for a steering wheel, and warn them to not leave their toys in the water overnight or else someone might take home some of those bright red balls to kick around the back yard with their dog.
I can take it like I give it out, so bring it on you old slalom dogs! ;-) (No clue here how to use one of those expression icons; will be off next week and figure it out.)
Originally posted by bkhallpassTo get the icons, you need to click the post reply button at top or bottom of page
rather than use the quick reply box.
BKH[color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]
Little kids on the boat who think its funny to continually splash people, jet skiiers or tubers who think they need to have their fun on the smooth part of the lake, people who can not back straight down the boat ramp or who can not use only one lane of the ramp. I seriously saw (at Lake Lavon in the Dallas area) a woman lunching a boat sideways off the ramp because the trailer was at a 90° from the truck.
People who insist on going "one more time" 13 times. Fishermen who "own" the lake. I mean seriously, in Oklahoma where I have done the water thing for the last 6 yrs there are 4 lakes with in 7 miles of each other. 2 of them are for fishing and water sports, the other 2 are just for fishing! Fishermen, GO FISH ON THE OTHER LAKES OR STOP GRIPEING!
People who have to bring 13,000 little bitty things (watches, cell phones, pocketknives, credit cards, ect...) into the boat only to lose them and make me stop the boat for 15 minutes while we all look for them.
Bayliner operators who think they need to be no more than 20 ft from you when they pass you while you're sitting in the water waiting for the next person to get the ski or board on. Bayliner operators who do not understand right of way rules. Pretty much Bayliner operators in general.
Here's a short story about a kid who was splashing me once... We took a little boy (probably 7) from church out to the lake with us one day, probably 4 yrs ago or so. He said he was a good swimmer and everything, so we didn't worry. He got to splashing people, and after I asked him to quit several times, he wouldn't. So I told him if he splashed anyone one more time he was going in the water. Well he did, and he did! I had thrown him in and turned around to go back to the drivers seat, but I hear banging on the boat and gurgling and... I guess you could call it yelling... although there was a lot of interruption due to water in the mouth. hehe. So I turn back around, and he was somehow not only not swimming, but going under the boat. I reached in and pulled him out. That boy couldn't swim! ha! He was scared the rest of the time, but he sure didn't splash anyone!2018 SAN 230
1981 Ski Nautique
Sold - 2011 Sport 200V
Sold - 2000 SAN
- Apr 2005
- 420
- Michigan
- 1987 SN 2001 1994 SN 1995 Signature Edition 2005 206 Air Limited 2007 SV211 Team
He was scared the rest of the time, but he sure didn't splash anyone!
Abu, ur really going to cr*p when u have to change your kid's diapers INside the boat :rolleyes: . Of course u could always hang him/her over the side (or over the bilge - yukky lake water); or rinse w/ the shower option.\"The voices aren\'t real...but they have some good ideas.\"
I used to have a lot of these same pet peeves... food in boat, kids not behaving, friends not showing up at the dock, etc. Stuff really ticked me off. That changed when a local kid came back from Iraq with one leg and part of an arm blown off. Now, none of this stuff bothers me. I'm just happy/thankful to be on the water.