what a maggot this guy is.......he starts a war over oil, 1000's have died over it, and yet it must be the us citizens fault now...everyone knows ther ewas no wmd or any other bull****, so the real reason is the bush's wanted to have even more power(new world order)and get richer; but yet"america's addicted to oil"....ummmmmm and how mnay gallons of fuel does his motorcade, and jets use everyday?..i could keep rambling on, but it's just amazing how this maggot could say"america's addicted to oil"...if im an addict, they must be some **** feinds!!!!!!!!!!!! PDT_041
1,000 Post Club Member
- Apr 2005
- 1407
- Discovery Bay, CA
- 2001 Super Air Nautique (Current) 1998 Ski Nautique (former) 1982 Ski Nautique (Current)
RE: bush-it..."america
Yep, I agree Hollywood. Don't see how much good is gonna come here. Perhaps better
on Rants and Raves over at Craigslist. BKH2001 Super Air
RE: bush-it..."america
Suck it up, your boys lost twice. Quite crying and take it like a man.Life is Short, Live it!
- Jul 2004
- 512
- Holiday Lakes, OH
- Current: 2002 Ski Nautique Closed Bow Previous: 1990 Ski Nautique, 1987 Ski Nautique 2001
RE: bush-it..."america
what a maggot this guy isSki on dude!
Re: bush-it..."america's addicted to oil"..lol
Originally posted by ryanandrewswhat a maggot this guy is.......he starts a war over oil, 1000's have died over it, and yet it must be the us citizens fault now...everyone knows ther ewas no wmd or any other ***, so the real reason is the bush's wanted to have even more power(new world order)and get richer; but yet"america's addicted to oil"....ummmmmm and how mnay gallons of fuel does his motorcade, and jets use everyday?..i could keep rambling on, but it's just amazing how this maggot could say"america's addicted to oil"...if im an addict, they must be some darn feinds!!!!!!!!!!!! PDT_041
Your ignorance is only outweighed by your inability to make a rationale argument.
- Jul 2003
- 529
- Eugene, Oregon
- 1999 Sport Naqutique 2005 Super Air Nautique Team Edition
RE: Re: bush-it..."america
Um... America is very much so "oil hungry" just look at the cars people drive... I don't feel like looking up the statistics but believe me, the US burns up more then it's fair share of petrol fuel...
As a boat owner, a boat with a Big inefficient V8 might I add, I don't think you can say that you don't use quite a bit of fuel just for "fun" if you get what I mean...
I don't particularly like Mr. Bush, and lord knows he's not the best with them words. But that's just the way the cookie crumbles so to speak...
My advise is to just let this thread die. Otherwise this is what's going to happen:
Someone is going to disagree with you. You will disagree with them. Then after many exchanges some one will point out that it's stupid to be arguing about such a thing, because neither of you are going to change the other parties opinions.
Especially when dealing with issues where people take polar stances... (Namely politics, religion, abortion exc.)How about \"Chales\"?
RIP Nikolai (\'05 SANTE) 5/23/05 - 4/30/06
RE: Re: bush-it..."america
I really like what he told the democrats, “Second guessing is not a strategy”.Life is Short, Live it!
Re: bush-it..."america's addicted to oil"..lol
Free speech rules!!
Ryan you should know that a bunch of white guys with $50k boats are going to lean to the right. :grin:
Personally, I was very happy to hear 'the W' address the idea of developing new energy sources....I nearly fell out of my chair.
BTW- how long til we see a hybrid or hydrogen fueled inboard?Life is Good.
Originally posted by surroundsound64All I'm going to say is I think Bush should read the Constitution, and follow it.
And I suppose you think that the left leaning Supreme Court (up until yesterday thankfully) that said it was OK to take peoples property to build a shopping center in order to increase the tax base for a town, were following the Constitution?Life is Short, Live it!