bush-it..."america's addicted to oil"..lol

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  • BASC
    • Jan 2004
    • 115

    • Burghfield UK

    It's the end of the working day here in the UK and that last post has brightened up what has been a very trying and long day...........in BP Offices.


    • 82tique
      • Aug 2004
      • 156

      • Butterville, Land-O-Lakes

      Originally posted by bkhallpass
      Most of these oil companies also have multiple brands. That's not a monopoly - that's competition.

      Rather than a monopoly, I think what you were referring to is a dependent or captive consumer group.

      Actually the term BHallpass is looking for is 'oligopoly'... the oil biz is a classic example of an oligopoly......
      An oligopoly is market form in which a market is dominated by a small number of sellers (oligopolists). The word is derived from the Greek for few sellers. Because there are few participants in this type of market, each oligopolist is aware of the actions of the others. Oligopolistic markets are characterised by interactivity. The decisions of one firm influence, and are influenced by, the decisions of other firms....some may call it price fixing, others may term it as a cartel.

      I guess I learned somnething while I was finishing my MBA afterall Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
      Life is Good.


      • bkhallpass
        1,000 Post Club Member
        • Apr 2005
        • 1407

        • Discovery Bay, CA

        • 2001 Super Air Nautique (Current) 1998 Ski Nautique (former) 1982 Ski Nautique (Current)

        82 - you da' man. Hadn't thought of that term since 1st year economics, and that's been a long, long time ago. Deliberately stayed away from the term Cartel, given OPEC and actual cartels in the oil industry, didn't want to mix the oil companies, particularly American oil companies, into that fold. Complex subject. Very difficult to sum up in a couple of paragraphs, particularly when your trying
        to stay out of a political debate. BKH
        2001 Super Air


        • MARK-S
          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
          • Jul 2003
          • 764

          • SE MINN

          • 1978 Ski Tique 1996 196 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008 196s Best boats made

          Lots of bashing here with very few answers. Come up with solutions, we will vote for you.
          Lets here some ideas.
          Life long Nautique guy
          Will ski anytime.


          • hundo
            • Nov 2004
            • 210

            • York SC

            Hybrid cars are very dangerous when emergency workers are trying to work with them

            Originally posted by surroundsound64
            All I'm going to say is I think Bush should read the Constitution, and follow it.

            And as far as the oil stuff goes... lets count the number of times DC has canned hybrid technology.

            It's been at least twice.


            • SGY
              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
              • Jul 2003
              • 990

              Gotta agree with Bush--we are oil dependent. Don't know the answer to that question.

              Regarding Iraq, yeah, I was pissed with the whole WMD issue. But I'm not second quessing now. Just supporting our troops and hoping we can get the job done. Another thing has occurred to me. Was Sadam any more dangerous than let's say, Hitler? What would have happened if the US had entered WWII a year or 18 months sooner? What that have stopped or slowed the butcher of six million jews? Don't know because it didn't happen. But FDR is thought of by history as a great man and fine president. Was his and our other leaders' hesitation a mistake that history overlooks? Arguably, yes. What would have happened in Sadam stayed in power? Don't know--and that's a good answer given the potential atrocities he could have committed.


              • SNMike
                1,000 Post Club Member
                • May 2005
                • 1001

                • Florida

                Originally posted by SGY
                What would have happened in Sadam stayed in power? Don't know--and that's a good answer given the potential atrocities he could have committed.
                One thing IS for sure, nothing GOOD would've come from his staying in power.

                Ultra Conservative Right Wing White Boy Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
                2007 Ski Nautique 196 Limited/ PP/ Mods
                Ludwig Classic Mapple Double Bass/ Zildjian Overhead


                • MARK-S
                  Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                  • Jul 2003
                  • 764

                  • SE MINN

                  • 1978 Ski Tique 1996 196 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008 196s Best boats made

                  The war is not about oil. If we wanted oil, we would have a much eaiser time taking down Canada and Mexico. Why go over there and fight for oil, when we can walk into either of our neighbors lands and take over. We would have all kinds of oil. Its about Liberty and a stability in the mid east.
                  Life long Nautique guy
                  Will ski anytime.
                  \"SON WATERSPORTS ROCKS\"


                  • redelf75
                    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                    • Sep 2003
                    • 767

                    • NYC

                    So are we in agreement that the oil industry is driven by supply and demand? If so, here's a solution. Let's all stop buying gas. Oh yeah, we can't because we're dependant on it.

                    This is what I don't understand. If the consumer is not determining the price, because we all want lower prices, then who is? It must be the sellers, right? I think this is why so many people think the prices are fixed by the oil companies.

                    Here's a thought. The industrial world put the Middle East into power by buying their oil in the latter half of the 20th century. I would like to take them (terrorists) out of power in the first half of the 21st. Right now, that looks like alternative fuels are a pretty good idea.


                    • SGY
                      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                      • Jul 2003
                      • 990

                      SNMike, don't forget knuckle dragging.


                      • SNMike
                        1,000 Post Club Member
                        • May 2005
                        • 1001

                        • Florida

                        Originally posted by SGY
                        SNMike, don't forget knuckle dragging.
                        Oh Yeah!! I forgot. :mrgreen: (places boxing tape on knuckles to lessen pain whilest dragging them) Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
                        2007 Ski Nautique 196 Limited/ PP/ Mods
                        Ludwig Classic Mapple Double Bass/ Zildjian Overhead


                        • SGY
                          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                          • Jul 2003
                          • 990

                          The boxing tape is a good idea. Keeps the knuckle hair intact.


                          • CHassmann
                            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                            • Jul 2004
                            • 512

                            • Holiday Lakes, OH

                            • Current: 2002 Ski Nautique Closed Bow Previous: 1990 Ski Nautique, 1987 Ski Nautique 2001

                            So are we in agreement that the oil industry is driven by supply and demand? If so, here's a solution. Let's all stop buying gas. Oh yeah, we can't because we're dependant on it.
                            Not picking on you redelf, but you're quote is a perfect for this. Don't forget that it's not just us that's oil hungry. You have to consider the rest of the world. China's demand for oil is growing every day. In addition to developing petroleum alternatives, we need to seek out untapped reserves and build new refineries.

                            Personally, I like the possibilities of E85 until something better is found. My "gas hog" Suburban will run on it, but there aren't any stations that supply it near me. Hopefully soon...............
                            Ski on dude!


                            • jonbassham
                              • Jun 2005
                              • 76


                              I suggest you go earn a bachelor's degree in history at Yale University then go on to earn a Master of Business Administration degree at Harvard at that point argue that you have a better understanding of the Constitution.

                              Whether you like our President or not, you must admit that he is incredibly intelligent even if he isnt a talented public speaker.

                              Also, at the point in your life when you have the responsibliity of the United States of America on your shoulders, receive hundreds of death threats per day, and must travel all over the world, please refused the security of a large motorcade and protected jet and handle your personal safety and the safety of your colleague by yourself.

                              Just a thought.
                              \'05 210 SANTE -
                              For Sale



                              • jonbassham
                                • Jun 2005
                                • 76

                                Originally posted by MARK-S
                                The war is not about oil. If we wanted oil, we would have a much eaiser time taking down Canada and Mexico. Why go over there and fight for oil, when we can walk into either of our neighbors lands and take over. We would have all kinds of oil. Its about Liberty and a stability in the mid east.
                                I could not agree more!!!!

                                Why do people fall for the "Iraq is about oil" propeganda... only one reason can be assumed... they are not intelligent!

                                I don't car what your views are... just base them on facts not random thoughts!
                                \'05 210 SANTE -
                                For Sale


