The facts are Sadam was a terrible dictator and he was the best ally of USA and Europe and we sold him those mass destruction weapons wich he killed thousands of kurds. A fact is Sadam was a bloody dictator but not a fundamentalist so he was confronted to Al Qaeda and he had nothing with them. The fact is the excuse to this war was the inexistent mass destruction weapons. The fact is Irak and the area is mucho more instable now and those fundamentalists have much more power.
But I don’t think “Irak is for oil” I really think too it’s about stability but it has backfired on us.
I really think, we, USA and Europe can not support this kind of dictators. Never. We know now the risk of it. No more countries that don’t respect human rights as allies.
Of course I’m not going to bash your President: I can say my wife is stupid but if you say it I’ll smash your face. Now in the USA and in Europe the gobernments are adopting measures against the terrorism that attack the pillars of democracy. Someone talked about the government leasing our conversations. One of the pillars of democracy is “no one's home can be broken into and searched by the police without a court order showing that there is good cause for such a search”. ( . Really nice page, I read it to my kids once a year ) So if you’re a ****ed terrorist talking overseas of course the government can listening the conversation but with a court order. If we don’t do it this way we start to kill our democracies and the terrorist would have won.
And I ask you, USA, don’t forget who are your friends. We the old and the new Europe, France, Germany, Italy, Spain… maybe we do not agree in everything, but it’s the norm between friends.
But I don’t think “Irak is for oil” I really think too it’s about stability but it has backfired on us.
I really think, we, USA and Europe can not support this kind of dictators. Never. We know now the risk of it. No more countries that don’t respect human rights as allies.
Of course I’m not going to bash your President: I can say my wife is stupid but if you say it I’ll smash your face. Now in the USA and in Europe the gobernments are adopting measures against the terrorism that attack the pillars of democracy. Someone talked about the government leasing our conversations. One of the pillars of democracy is “no one's home can be broken into and searched by the police without a court order showing that there is good cause for such a search”. ( . Really nice page, I read it to my kids once a year ) So if you’re a ****ed terrorist talking overseas of course the government can listening the conversation but with a court order. If we don’t do it this way we start to kill our democracies and the terrorist would have won.
And I ask you, USA, don’t forget who are your friends. We the old and the new Europe, France, Germany, Italy, Spain… maybe we do not agree in everything, but it’s the norm between friends.