Someone once told me that if you were not a Democrat at age 18, that you had no Heart, and if you were not a Republican by the age of 30, you had no Brain.
Originally posted by FatBoyLord help us if the Dummycrats ever get back in power.
Mike / So far to the right I'm laying on my side WHITE BOY!!!2007 Ski Nautique 196 Limited/ PP/ Mods
Ludwig Classic Mapple Double Bass/ Zildjian Overhead
I hate politics, I can't believe I'm even mixing politics with my boat life even remotely, but Bush is probably the biggest ****ing idiot I've ever seen.... You southerners wouldn't understand, its a New York City thing... ;-)[color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]
1,000 Post Club Member
- Apr 2005
- 1407
- Discovery Bay, CA
- 2001 Super Air Nautique (Current) 1998 Ski Nautique (former) 1982 Ski Nautique (Current)
That "idiot" you refer to has an undergraduate degree from Yale, and a Master's from Harvard.
He made a fortune in the oil business, and was the owner of a major league baseball franchise.
He was the first Governor in his own state elected for two successive 4 year terms, and twice
managed to get himself elected as President of the US. If you disagree with his politics, say so, or
better yet, exercise your right to vote. But don't insult the man's intelligence. It just makes you
appear to be the foolish one. Personally, I did not like Clinton, and couldn't be more opposed to his politics. But to question his intelligence would be absurd. BKH2001 Super Air
BKH, it's alright... I told you, its a NYC thing... nobody else here is from NYC so I actually don't know why I brought it up now...
And just for the record, a man's intellegence is not summed up on paper, or in college, not when you run a country... Yeah, I guess you could say I "disagree" with his politics, but its more than that... I hate to bring it up, but its just that Democrats and Republicans will always think differently, esp. in regards to war... we're just gonna have to agree to disagree... Just how the Red Sox still suck now mor ethan ever, even though they won that game, Bush will always be a dumb-***, as well as his safe-hunting companion... Its a New Yorker thing... you guys wouldn't understand... ;-)
Sorry if it sounds foolish, but its the truth.... Each half of the country thinks the other half are all idiots... and looking back at all of these posts, this is EXACTLY why I hate politics, and try to steer away from even the discussion of politics as much as I can. It's people like men and you who think we know ****, when we know jack-squat. We act like we KNOW every little tidbit about the government, and what goes on in there, and we KNOW exactly what is right, and the other way is wrong. Fact is, we don't know much at all, not nearly enough to make drastic statements, like which is the right thing to do, or who we should help... That is why I keep my statement very simple, and to the point. I don't bring in any specific arguments, I just look at the "leader" as a whole, and see where we stand today... and as a result of us being a mere 8 trillion dollers in debt, having the majority of the world hate our guts, having Iran rightfully elect a leader who want to destroy Israel and doesn't believe in the Holocoust to its fullest, I therefore call our leader a dumb-***... enough said...[color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]
Originally posted by AbunDiga909I hate politics, I can't believe I'm even mixing politics with my boat life even remotely, but Bush is probably the biggest ***** idiot I've ever seen.... You southerners wouldn't understand, its a New York City thing... ;-)Life is Short, Live it!
lol... ok... so this is kinda what I was trying to say, but didn't really know how... FatBoy is a proud American from North Carolina, I'm a proud New Yorker. (fatboy i'm just using you as an example here, not picking on you or anything) For those who didn't know, New York City is a little bit of a different place than North Carolina. Therefore, I doubt that we will think the same things. Its ok! See, we were united by our boats and enthusiasm in watersports, and now politics are making us hate each other, and our home-towns... FACT IS, my way is a New Yorker's way of thinking, you wouldn't understand it... FatBoy has his North Carolinian(??) way of thinking, and I don't understand it... why the **** are we getting pissed at each other for our god **** oppinions...
Huffy, FatBoy, ryanandrews, whoever else who thought I'm totally out of my mind, thanks, but I'd rather you tell me how to deal with my Nautique problems first, about something I could give a **** about...
good day
~Austin[color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]
Originally posted by 82tiqueThe ever present arrogance of the 212 area code never ceases to amaze me.[color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]
Originally posted by ryanandrewsfatboi-2 words for ya...*****!!!!!!! been biting my tongue for a while now...had to say it, just my .2....republicans- cant think for themselves! PDT_0422007 Ski Nautique 196 Limited/ PP/ Mods
Ludwig Classic Mapple Double Bass/ Zildjian Overhead