bush-it..."america's addicted to oil"..lol

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  • SGY
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Jul 2003
    • 990

    Relax Austin. We can argue with no hard feelings. Savvy?


    • AbunDiga909
      1,000 Post Club Member
      • Sep 2003
      • 2470

      • St. Louis, MO

      lol, sgy, i'm relaxed, i'm smiling, its all good, the cool dude face "8-)" and the "LOL" is visible proof that I'm smiling with sunglasses on and laughing, its all good...

      See now we're the cool people on the site, anyone who didn't participate in this latter part of the discussion are the loosers! LOL

      j/k jeff...
      [color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]


      • AbunDiga909
        1,000 Post Club Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 2470

        • St. Louis, MO

        wow, my inbox was quite busy tonight... lol... what a thread... :grin:
        [color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]


        • jvuotto
          • Jan 2005
          • 60

          Hmmm, brains, do not live in over taxed New York, don't really care about the welfare state, work every day and don't expect the government to take care of things.

          See, the dems have their ELITE few that are wealthy and who spend most of their time keeping everybody else dependent on them. How else can they attempt to keep the power? Look simply at Ketchup Magnate John F-ing Kerry. I voted 4 it b4 I voted against it. Talk about senseless, can’t say stupid but **** Kerry believe in something not tied to a poll number.

          What about the liberal socialist panacea in LA? Just look at New Orleans! It’s a simplistic example and the details can go on for pages, but if socialist democrat policies are so great, why were the majority of people in New Orleans poor renters that did not even have enough cash to get out of town. What about a mayor who lets all of those school busses flood because his people were too “good” to ride them out of town. How about the dozens of “levy boards” that spend the taxpayers’ cash dredging personal boat access areas in lieu of upgrading the flood protection systems. We collectively (all of us) will spend billions to fix and repair democrat perfection in LA.

          Wow, just can’t understand not taking care for yourself and your family! Who says some lawyer pinhead politician in congress should have control over anyone is beyond me. Just a few of my thoughts reading this thread, maybe someone should do some research on the almighty one “Roosevelt”! Republicans don’t have all of the money, they are the ones who make it, create it, and are taxed to redistribute cash to those who have figured out they don’t have to make it. Those folks just have to vote dummycrat, assuming they can read the ballot with the state of the public education system (another liberal institution, no accountability).

          Check this out: The Top 50% pay 96.54% of All Income Taxes - The Top 1% Pay More Than a Third: 34.27%. here is the link


          • SNMike
            1,000 Post Club Member
            • May 2005
            • 1001

            • Florida

            Originally posted by jvuotto
            Hmmm, brains, do not live in over taxed New York, don't really care about the welfare state, work every day and don't expect the government to take care of things.

            See, the dems have their ELITE few that are wealthy and who spend most of their time keeping everybody else dependent on them. How else can they attempt to keep the power? Look simply at Ketchup Magnate John F-ing Kerry. I voted 4 it b4 I voted against it. Talk about senseless, can’t say stupid but darn Kerry believe in something not tied to a poll number.

            What about the liberal socialist panacea in LA? Just look at New Orleans! It’s a simplistic example and the details can go on for pages, but if socialist democrat policies are so great, why were the majority of people in New Orleans poor renters that did not even have enough cash to get out of town. What about a mayor who lets all of those school busses flood because his people were too “good” to ride them out of town. How about the dozens of “levy boards” that spend the taxpayers’ cash dredging personal boat access areas in lieu of upgrading the flood protection systems. We collectively (all of us) will spend billions to fix and repair democrat perfection in LA.

            Wow, just can’t understand not taking care for yourself and your family! Who says some lawyer pinhead politician in congress should have control over anyone is beyond me. Just a few of my thoughts reading this thread, maybe someone should do some research on the almighty one “Roosevelt”! Republicans don’t have all of the money, they are the ones who make it, create it, and are taxed to redistribute cash to those who have figured out they don’t have to make it. Those folks just have to vote dummycrat, assuming they can read the ballot with the state of the public education system (another liberal institution, no accountability).

            Check this out: The Top 50% pay 96.54% of All Income Taxes - The Top 1% Pay More Than a Third: 34.27%. here is the link
            Agreed! 100%! My point was that the vast majority of privately owned successful businesses in this country are owned by people who are Republican, that is a fact. Republicans know the meaning of free enterprise. Democrates know how to take a straw and suck them dry.
            2007 Ski Nautique 196 Limited/ PP/ Mods
            Ludwig Classic Mapple Double Bass/ Zildjian Overhead


            • jvuotto
              • Jan 2005
              • 60



              • Richard-Howell
                • Jan 2004
                • 200

                • New Hampshire

                Democrats know how to take a straw and suck them dry.

                I was wondering when Katrina would come up!


                • SNMike
                  1,000 Post Club Member
                  • May 2005
                  • 1001

                  • Florida

                  Originally posted by Richard-Howell
                  Democrats know how to take a straw and suck them dry.

                  I was wondering when Katrina would come up!
                  2007 Ski Nautique 196 Limited/ PP/ Mods
                  Ludwig Classic Mapple Double Bass/ Zildjian Overhead


                  • AbunDiga909
                    1,000 Post Club Member
                    • Sep 2003
                    • 2470

                    • St. Louis, MO

                    My school waved the tuition for two Katrina victems who lost everything. They are 2 seniors now at my school, and one of them I was in a music history class with. Just found it amazing/interesting how a hurricane so far away has affected my very classroom thousands of miles away... I think its kinda nice that my school did that, us Democratic New Yorkers... LOL

                    I know some of you are thinking "Democratic New Yorkers!?" Can't get any lower than that... lol... :grin:
                    [color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]


                    • SNMike
                      1,000 Post Club Member
                      • May 2005
                      • 1001

                      • Florida

                      Originally posted by AbunDiga909
                      My school waved the tuition for two Katrina victems who lost everything. They are 2 seniors now at my school, and one of them I was in a music history class with. Just found it amazing/interesting how a hurricane so far away has affected my very classroom thousands of miles away... I think its kinda nice that my school did that, us Democratic New Yorkers... LOL

                      I know some of you are thinking "Democratic New Yorkers!?" Can't get any lower than that... lol... :grin:
                      And you would be wrong. In it's simplest form Austin, Republican Philosophy: Work Hard, earn your money honestly, reap the rewards.

                      Democratic Philosophy: Ehh, let the Republicans earn the money, we'll institute policies to distribute "their" rewards to those of us who want to stay home, make babies, and watch Oprah.

                      Sorry bud, that's the cold, hard, infuriating truth. Unless of course, you don't mind paying for me to stay home and watch Spike TV. :idea: :grin:
                      2007 Ski Nautique 196 Limited/ PP/ Mods
                      Ludwig Classic Mapple Double Bass/ Zildjian Overhead


                      • FatBoy
                        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                        • Mar 2004
                        • 756

                        • Eastern North Carolina

                        Originally posted by ryanandrews
                        fatboi-2 words for ya...*****!!!!!!! been biting my tongue for a while now...had to say it, just my .2....republicans- cant think for themselves! PDT_042
                        Austin, it's all good buddy, the fact that you and I can have different opinions about things and still talk about it is what makes this country great.

                        Now cryan on the other hand just doesn't have the brains to argue about opposing views without resorting to name calling. He is the stereotypical dummycrat, and he will be ignored from now on as it seems he has nothing intelligent to add to the topic. So POOF he's gone....
                        Life is Short, Live it!


                        • FatBoy
                          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                          • Mar 2004
                          • 756

                          • Eastern North Carolina

                          Hey Mike, I love SPIKE TV.
                          Life is Short, Live it!


                          • AbunDiga909
                            1,000 Post Club Member
                            • Sep 2003
                            • 2470

                            • St. Louis, MO

                            Mike, that wasn't a political statement at all! LOL... sorry it kinda cracks me up, I mention word "democratic" and all of a sudden I'm making a political argument. I wasn't really saying democratics spend money, or anything, I was just saying that my school spend a good 60K at least to get these 2 Katrina victems at our school, and I thought thats cool and nice. Yeah, we're democratic, so take it however you like, but I wasn't making an argumentative point, just a statement. We're also in the middle of raising about 80K to donate to Habitat for Humanity, which will go towards building 1 house for a victem's family. We are sponsoring this one house, and we will be recognized for it too, with like a little plaque on the front saying this house was built by this school. We've got like 60K already, pretty close...

                            So yeah, not a political arguments here, just a fact, a statement, which is kinda cool. We are spending a lot of money for a great cause... and if you want, you can bring into the picture that we just happen to be a primarily democratic school/society/city/state...
                            [color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]


                            • SNMike
                              1,000 Post Club Member
                              • May 2005
                              • 1001

                              • Florida

                              Originally posted by AbunDiga909
                              Mike, that wasn't a political statement at all! LOL... sorry it kinda cracks me up, I mention word "democratic" and all of a sudden I'm making a political argument. I wasn't really saying democratics spend money, or anything, I was just saying that my school spend a good 60K at least to get these 2 Katrina victems at our school, and I thought thats cool and nice. Yeah, we're democratic, so take it however you like, but I wasn't making an argumentative point, just a statement. We're also in the middle of raising about 80K to donate to Habitat for Humanity, which will go towards building 1 house for a victem's family. We are sponsoring this one house, and we will be recognized for it too, with like a little plaque on the front saying this house was built by this school. We've got like 60K already, pretty close...

                              So yeah, not a political arguments here, just a fact, a statement, which is kinda cool. We are spending a lot of money for a great cause... and if you want, you can bring into the picture that we just happen to be a primarily democratic school/society/city/state...
                              No pal, I meant you were wrong thinking that we thought nothing could be lower than a NY democrat. You're words. I don't know you from Adam's house cat, but I like you and respect your opinion, misguided as it is. Yellow_Flash_Colorz: Yellow_Flash_Colorz: Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
                              2007 Ski Nautique 196 Limited/ PP/ Mods
                              Ludwig Classic Mapple Double Bass/ Zildjian Overhead


                              • SNMike
                                1,000 Post Club Member
                                • May 2005
                                • 1001

                                • Florida

                                Originally posted by FatBoy
                                Hey Mike, I love SPIKE TV.
                                ssshhhh, so do I! Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
                                2007 Ski Nautique 196 Limited/ PP/ Mods
                                Ludwig Classic Mapple Double Bass/ Zildjian Overhead

