bush-it..."america's addicted to oil"..lol

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  • AbunDiga909
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 2470

    • St. Louis, MO

    Sweet... New York is a fun place... you guys should all come up some time, politics aside, and all board around Manhatten in our boats... That'd get on the news... ;-)
    [color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]


    • SNMike
      1,000 Post Club Member
      • May 2005
      • 1001

      • Florida

      My wife and daughter were there in 2002. They loved it. Got to meet Dennis Quaid, Regis and Kelly. The only horrible sight was ground zero. Yellow_Flash_Colorz: Makes my blood boil to this day. That's a view we all share no doubt. Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
      2007 Ski Nautique 196 Limited/ PP/ Mods
      Ludwig Classic Mapple Double Bass/ Zildjian Overhead


      • AbunDiga909
        1,000 Post Club Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 2470

        • St. Louis, MO

        Remember it like it was yesterday... and I can tell you this, I'd say the majority of New Yorkers, the majority of the people closest affected by that day, the day that really caused this war, most of them (new yorkers) would say to pull out of the war. I just find it ironic that the people MOST in relation to the events of that day are the people LEAST for the war, meanwhile, the country sees what happened that day, and backs the fighting... Its like ever since that day, we just want peace... We've seen **** hit our towers, and we know what death is like, we've seen it falling from 110 stories, and we just want it gone, done, forever, to whomever. Just pull 'em out, and let it be calm in the Middle East, just let it be peaceful... We don't want to be the victems, but nor do we want to be the cause, planes kill, war kills more, period...
        [color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]


        • SNMike
          1,000 Post Club Member
          • May 2005
          • 1001

          • Florida

          [quote="AbunDiga909"],... Its like ever since that day, we just want peace...

          Sometimes you have to fight for peace Austin. Turning the other cheek doesn't prove you want peace, it only proves that you will be a target again when "they" blame you again for their jealousy.
          2007 Ski Nautique 196 Limited/ PP/ Mods
          Ludwig Classic Mapple Double Bass/ Zildjian Overhead


          • FatBoy
            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
            • Mar 2004
            • 756

            • Eastern North Carolina

            So we should just roll over like a dog and pee on ourselfs when other people strike at us???? I can't agree with that, if we do nothing they will strike again. I for one would rather have the fight on their soil than to let them do it again on ours.

            If our forefathers had thought like New Yorkers, we would still be British subjects.
            Life is Short, Live it!


            • Richard-Howell
              • Jan 2004
              • 200

              • New Hampshire

              I'd say the majority of New Yorkers, the majority of the people closest affected by that day, the day that really caused this war, most of them (new yorkers) would say to pull out of the war.

              Pull out of what The War on terror? This isn't our choice. Iraq? Leave to the insurgents and former bath party members? That's assuming your informal poll is correct that most new yorkers wanting to pull out of the war. I'm not even sure most democrats think we can simply pull out of the war. Do you have anymore spacious arguments?

              Just pull 'em out, and let it be calm in the Middle East, just let it be peaceful...

              All we have to do is pull out and the Middle East will be peaceful? Please stop now, return to general discussion and talk about gelcoat or better yet turn on Fox News for at least a week.


              • AbunDiga909
                1,000 Post Club Member
                • Sep 2003
                • 2470

                • St. Louis, MO

                Everyone, I am not saying pulling out will create peace everywhere, not saying we should pee on ourselves and roll over, it's just that when you see New York's tallest building tumbling town not to far from where you live, and you can breathe the smoke lingering in the air still a month later, miles away, the first thing that goes through your mind is not get out the guns and kill them... It really brought all New Yorkers together, and it was probably the only day you'll see New Yorkers act this respectfullly ever again... The media is the media, take it for what its worth, not every little tidbit it says... don't judge your full oppinion based on the media, nevermind one network... sorry if you guys disagree, its ok.. but I still don't think we, the US, is better off now than it was a some odd years ago... problems shine brighter than accomplishments... or w/e that phrase is...
                [color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]


                • Richard-Howell
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 200

                  • New Hampshire

                  Originally posted by AbunDiga909
                  Everyone, I am not saying pulling out will create peace everywhere, not saying we should pee on ourselves and roll over, it's just that when you see New York's tallest building tumbling town not to far from where you live, and you can breathe the smoke lingering in the air still a month later, miles away, the first thing that goes through your mind is not get out the guns and kill them...

                  Do teachers in New York teach run-on, disjointed, fragmented sentences that are illogical?

                  You saw and breathed fallout from the Towers being attached therefore you are advocating pulling out?

                  My different perspective from the attack was to kill them or anyone else that intends to carry out a similiar attack.


                  • SNMike
                    1,000 Post Club Member
                    • May 2005
                    • 1001

                    • Florida

                    Originally posted by Richard-Howell
                    Originally posted by AbunDiga909
                    Everyone, I am not saying pulling out will create peace everywhere, not saying we should pee on ourselves and roll over, it's just that when you see New York's tallest building tumbling town not to far from where you live, and you can breathe the smoke lingering in the air still a month later, miles away, the first thing that goes through your mind is not get out the guns and kill them...

                    Do teachers in New York teach run-on, disjointed, fragmented sentences that are illogical?

                    You saw and breathed fallout from the Towers being attached therefore you are advocating pulling out?

                    My different perspective from the attack was to kill them or anyone else that intends to carry out a similiar attack.
                    I'll go one better than that my good friend. Let's tell, say Syria, the next attack on American's, anywhere, and we're holding YOU responsible. Bye-Bye!!!. Hmmm. Deterent maybe!!!
                    2007 Ski Nautique 196 Limited/ PP/ Mods
                    Ludwig Classic Mapple Double Bass/ Zildjian Overhead


                    • AbunDiga909
                      1,000 Post Club Member
                      • Sep 2003
                      • 2470

                      • St. Louis, MO

                      lol... Hey, you can't hold me responsible for anything, I have no proof of anything...

                      You saw and breathed fallout from the Towers being attached therefore you are advocating pulling out?
                      Richard, c'mon, stop re-wording my sentences. That's not what I said at all and you should know it. I did not say that BECAUSE of the attack, we should pull out, that's pretty far from the truth. But what I said was that when you do smell the smoke lingering in the air a month later, and witnessing it not to far from my house, or my parents' house for Hollywood, the first thought that goes through your mind is NOT get the weapons out and kill kill kill... I guarantee that was not the immediate natural response MOST New Yorkers felt on that day...

                      Its really brought a lot of peace to NYC, as far as the city itself right after. Everyone got along, no one cursed, people slept on the steps of the Met w/o the normal fear of sleeping on the streets, everyone was welcomeing, and everybody just hoped everybody was okay and that there were the least amount of casualties possible. Living in that city gives you a feeling that I really can't describe, its like the feeling a survivor of the Holocaust gets--you really can't explain it, but you can understand and respect it and where the person is coming from, even though you personally can't relate to it.

                      Just how the survivor of the Holocaust doesn't feel the mad urge to murder and torture 6 million Germans, I'd say a lot of New Yorkers don't crave like you guys do the need to go and kill the Middle East. We've seen **** more than a lot of people have, and know what its like first hand to lose thousands of innocent people, instantaneously. We've seen how cruel it is, how bloody, how horrible all this can be, and the pictures and memories in our minds will never go away... this all together is the reason why in the end, peace is what we just simply want.

                      Please don't reword this to make it sound like I'm saying something I'm not. I've said exactly what I've just typed above, and nothing else, please take it for what its worth. If you do not agree with my thoughts, please be mature enough to understand that my position in relation to the events of that day are much different than yours, and therefore, just respect the fact that I will probably think differently about them. And in the end, the different thought of a New Yorker, the people most directly affected by that day, is the thought of peace... Kind of ironic, but its what happens...


                      [color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]


                      • AirNautique211
                        • Mar 2025
                        • 316

                        • Central Indiana

                        Diga - did you see the movie 'Hitch' with Will Smith. In the movie his wave runner died out near Ellis Island and he said " it probably sucked up a diaper".

                        I am sure it is not that bad up there, but do people really board there? I guess I never really thught about it when I was visiting the city. Of course, I never thought about boarding in Lake Erie either and that's where our reunion has been the past few years.

                        Anyway, I can not say I agree with you on this topic, but would be more open to meeting up with a bunch from PN somewhere like Dale Hollow, Rock lake, or Powell. That would be fun!

                        Please do not start correcting my spelling - we do not have all day! lol


                        • NautiqueJeff
                          A d m i n i s t r a t o r
                          • Mar 2002
                          • 16521
                          • Lake Norman

                          • Mooresville, NC

                          • 2025 SAN G23 PNE 1985 Sea Nautique 1980 Twin-Engine Fish Nautique

                          A Dale Hollow reunion would rock. I've always wanted to try that lake.
                          I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.

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                          • AirNautique211
                            • Mar 2025
                            • 316

                            • Central Indiana

                            Dale Hollow does Rock!!! Fannies Creek near Wisdom Dock is a blast! The cabins at Eagle Cove are a good stay - great location for boarding. Hera are a couple of pictures.


                            • Richard-Howell
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 200

                              • New Hampshire

                              Everyone, I am not saying pulling out will create peace everywhere, not saying we should pee on ourselves and roll over, it's just that when you see New York's tallest building tumbling town not to far from where you live, and you can breathe the smoke lingering in the air still a month later, miles away, the first thing that goes through your mind is not get out the guns and kill them

                              When I wrote

                              "You saw and breathed fallout from the Towers being attached therefore you are advocating pulling out?"

                              I was trying to translate your sentence. It wasn't a question of maturity rather trying to decipher what you were trying to cummunicate. Having read your exact words a few time I'm still not sure of the correlation of your proximity to the Towers and wanting to pull out of Iraq leaving chaos and instability. I'm going to let your maturity insult at me pass in respect to your age.

                              They balance of your post was well thought out and well written. Your youthful idealism is refreshing yet unrealistic. I'm sure as you mature your views will better represent what occurs in the real world.

                              That last line was written to my on a college paper 20 years ago by a liberal professor (redundant)!
                              He was wrong!


                              • AbunDiga909
                                1,000 Post Club Member
                                • Sep 2003
                                • 2470

                                • St. Louis, MO

                                Oh well.. life will go on, let this end so we can stop beating the dead horse... you disagree w/ me, I disagree w/ you, its all good.. :grin: Thanks for accepting my 'maturity,' in whatever way you may have...lol... not sure if was a compliment or an insult, but I thank you anyway... 8-)

                                AN211, lol, no, that was the joke of it, no one every skis in the Hudson, nevermind the East. The East I wouldn't touch w/ a 10 ft. pole. But the Hudson, up north of the city its not too bad, and down by the city, well, normally I would never have thought of going in it. During the summer I've gone on some speed boat rides and gotten soaked in the river water. Although it was disgusting after I thought about it, I had a blast. So yeah, the water isn't the greatest quality, but there's not garbage in it like there used to be. I thought though if we got a bunch of people together, it would be kinda cool to get a bunch of boarders doing some stunts in front of the tourists at the statue of liberty, just so say we did... I do think it would get on the news though...

                                Will I do it by myself? Probably not.. But if we are all up for something crazy, something that we'll never forget, I'd be very excited to seriously think about all going in the hudson in our nautiques and putting on a show for the city to see. That'd be amazing. And of course, aftwards, we'd have a major engine-flushing hull-cleaning party, and rid our boats of all the salt and grime...

                                It could be fun...
                                [color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]

