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wow, thats somethin u don't see every day. what kinda power is in that thing?
will it pull the boat up the ramp?
Just the stock engine, but has a torque kit and heavy duty springs in the rear.
No, it will not pull it up the ramp. I tried with my pontoon boat (a little lighter), comes close, but not quite enough power. Plus, it likes to do wheelies down the ramp with that much weight on it. It is, however, great for moving the toys around the garage.
Well is 30 miles to the lake, that would be a long ride. My driveway is a little tight and slopes so i just use it to get the boat in and out of the garage.
I think the 345 hp from the Hemi will be plenty sufficient to get me back a forth from the lake. Also I use this truck to travel quite a bit with my job and gas is much cheeper.
1993 SN
2005 68\" HO System 8
Double Venom Bindings