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Dude! Adrian! Does that Montero not get stuck?! That's hilarious!
what is hilarious is where is our ramp with the drought we have here :???:
No, the Mitsubishi don't get stuck there because it's on an old road that was there before they made de dam.
A pic of a lake of the area last year. Now this lake has no water at all.
Wow adrian, ya'll need some water. we are in a drought here, but so far my lake is only 7 feet low, rain would be nice.
ag4ever, a lady ran a red light in downtown and tboned me. my momentum and the rear tire going over her hood flipped us on our side. luckily we all walked away with just assorted bumps and bruises. nothing quite like sliding down the street watching the asphalt inches from your face. but i got bumped into a nicer tow vehicle because of it. downside, i was in the middle of trying to upgrade the boat, but bailed just because of the uncertainty of the outcome of the accident moneywise (she's claiming i ran the red light)
Wow that sucks. I guess it is good ya'll did not get hurt. Hope the insurance claim goes OK. You should blame Bill White for "fixing" the traffic light cycles downtown. She might have been used to how they cycled and when they were changed people had to get used to them. I think they cycles are better now though.
I wish I would have taken a picture of me pulling my 82 2001 with the good old 78 Mercrury Grand Marquies Station wagon. It made brownies ride look like a escalade.