Good afternoon,
“The Regional District of North Okanagan intends to ban motorized vessels on most of the Shuswap River” (Kelowna Daily The Regional District of North Okanagan (RDNO) and several special interest groups have been consulting and obtaining evidence to support their desire to close the river to power boats. The claim is based on safety, pollution and environmental concerns. The safety concern is not supported by any empirical evidence as there have been no boating injuries, yet numerous incidents involving tubing and canoeing over the years. The erosion concern is incomplete as the study does not account for natural meandering of a waterway and the mass of the river involved compared to boat wakes. It was prepared without knowledge of local experts. The process has been conducted without proper consultation of the residents, and even riverfront owners were not aware of this 3 year process until a Global News article just last week. If there is a real problem then we should address it, but the mandate of the RDNO is to remain neutral and obtain input from all parties, not just those looking to close the river. The open houses were not monitored and numerous people were observed spending over an hour completing multiple comment cards. RDNO has been asked to start this process over in an open and proper manner but not responded. There is a survey to be completed at RDNO.CA/BOATING. There is more information located at The more people that complete this survey the better to help normalize the special interest groups. Once this valuable resource is gone it will be gone forever so let’s make sure that the decisions are based on fact and science, not innuendo.
Shuswap River Recreation and Conservation Society
“The Regional District of North Okanagan intends to ban motorized vessels on most of the Shuswap River” (Kelowna Daily The Regional District of North Okanagan (RDNO) and several special interest groups have been consulting and obtaining evidence to support their desire to close the river to power boats. The claim is based on safety, pollution and environmental concerns. The safety concern is not supported by any empirical evidence as there have been no boating injuries, yet numerous incidents involving tubing and canoeing over the years. The erosion concern is incomplete as the study does not account for natural meandering of a waterway and the mass of the river involved compared to boat wakes. It was prepared without knowledge of local experts. The process has been conducted without proper consultation of the residents, and even riverfront owners were not aware of this 3 year process until a Global News article just last week. If there is a real problem then we should address it, but the mandate of the RDNO is to remain neutral and obtain input from all parties, not just those looking to close the river. The open houses were not monitored and numerous people were observed spending over an hour completing multiple comment cards. RDNO has been asked to start this process over in an open and proper manner but not responded. There is a survey to be completed at RDNO.CA/BOATING. There is more information located at The more people that complete this survey the better to help normalize the special interest groups. Once this valuable resource is gone it will be gone forever so let’s make sure that the decisions are based on fact and science, not innuendo.
Shuswap River Recreation and Conservation Society