I bought this this evening! Hopefully I can go pick it up next weekend! I've been wanting an older inline 4 cylinder for a long time.
When I was 14 I got a Suzuki DR200 enduro. It was a lot of fun but a little stressful on the highway. It'd cruise 70, but it was hard. hehe.
When I turned 16 I rode my dad's KZ1100, that bike was awesome! But then he sold it and bumped me back to the 200. I sold it and now I got this!!!
Hopefully all it really needs is a paint job on the tank. I talked to the owner several times, he said it runs great and doesn't need any mechanical work.
I bought this this evening! Hopefully I can go pick it up next weekend! I've been wanting an older inline 4 cylinder for a long time.
When I was 14 I got a Suzuki DR200 enduro. It was a lot of fun but a little stressful on the highway. It'd cruise 70, but it was hard. hehe.
When I turned 16 I rode my dad's KZ1100, that bike was awesome! But then he sold it and bumped me back to the 200. I sold it and now I got this!!!
Hopefully all it really needs is a paint job on the tank. I talked to the owner several times, he said it runs great and doesn't need any mechanical work.