Ride spot shutdown in Arizona... Don't let this happen to your spot

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  • nautiques4life
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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    Ride spot shutdown in Arizona... Don't let this happen to your spot

    Sorry the video is a little long at 4.5 minutes, but for those unfamiliar with what is happening in Havasu I feel it paints a pretty good picture.
    If anyone would like to support the local waterskiing community please send an email, even a sentance asking USFWS for a reversal of last year's closures and stop further proposed closures.

    Last edited by nautiques4life; 06-05-2016, 09:56 PM.
  • shag
    1,000 Post Club Member
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    Video link?


    • nautiques4life
      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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      video would help... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHIp48WE22o
      Their email is... Havasu_Boating_Comments@fws.gov


      • Quinner
        1,000 Post Club Member
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        Nice job on the Video. Hate to hear about restrictions on towed watersports.
        Might suggest you provide a sample letter that people could cut and past from, easier you make it the more likely you will find support!!
        Good luck in your mission of having these restrictions repealed.


        • nautiques4life
          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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          • 2012 SANTE 230 Previous: 2005 SANTE 210 1997 OG Air Nautique

          Here are 3.... Thanks again

          __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________________________________
          I am writing to voice my concerns over the latest CD of the USFWS, I oppose the new CD, and strongly disagree with last year's completely unjustified closure of the ski alley and wish it to be re-opened immediatley as there was no reason to close it in the first place. Having it remain closed the last 11 months was wrong and a complete abuse of power. Please stop expanding closures on Lake Havasu, AZ.

          Thank you

          __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________________________________
          As a family that ski's, wakeboards, wakesurfs, and rides innertubes, last year's closure of the ski alley area greatly affected my family and our opinion of the USFWS. The main reason we visit Havasu is to enjoy watersports with family and friends at the refuge. With last year's closure there is no longer any reason for us to visit havasu or the refuge; as it is the only area with conditions as ideal and safe for my family to do our activities.

          In our experience, the other boaters familiar with this special area of the refuge (whether families or groups of friends) tend to be the best behaved, most experienced, and safest on the lake. If you are truly concerned with saftey don't punish the best boaters on the water, look on the otherside of the tulies where the party boats are running 70 mph after drinking in Topack. Refuge by definition means safe place; by closing this area to watersports you are forcing familes and children out of their safe place. Please reconsider your terrible unjust decision to close the area in the first place and re-open it immediately.


          __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________________________________
          As a vacation home owner in Havasu I feel it is very important I voice my concerns with USFWS for both last year's closure of arguably the best area on the lake for watersports as well as the newly proposed extentions. This area is crucial to watersports in Havasu, and closing was a huge mistake on your part. Forcing families to ski/ride/tow in the main channel or middle of the lake is far more dangerous keeping this area open. Fallen skiers are far less mobile and visible than an individual on a kayak, and therefore should be a priority for safety. Statistics would agree, Havasu fatalaties of skiiers out numbers kayak incidents, please don't force more local skiers from the saftey of the refuge. Thank you for your time and please consider re-opening the area immediately.



          • Nautiquehunter
            1,000 Post Club Member
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            First John McCain and now this I don't see Arizona in my future.


            • Chuck
              • Mar 2016
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              FYI, *Topock.

              And I just finished my email. Thanks for the heads up.

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


              • nautiques4life
                Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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                Thanks for support


                • desertskier
                  • Mar 2010
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                  Seriously doubt this has anything to do with "waterskiing" being a problem. Just saying!


                  • nautiques4life
                    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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                    • 2012 SANTE 230 Previous: 2005 SANTE 210 1997 OG Air Nautique

                    Originally posted by desertskier View Post
                    Seriously doubt this has anything to do with "waterskiing" being a problem. Just saying!
                    I'm not sure what you mean exactly, I agree if you are saying the one vocal kayaker and the refuge manager too quick to close the area are the problem. But if you are implying that it was punk wakeboarders or wakesurfing wakes- you'd be surprised. I was as shocked as anyone to find out that the one incident actually happened with some very talented skiers that live in canada and have vacation homes and their boats here... not high school wakeskaters on a jet ski, or stereo slamming wake boats. This spot really is special, weekends are obviously different thanks to vacationing tourists who many of which boat 3x annually. But during the week it is usually a mix of skiiers, a small crew of bare footers which rotate between their 3 boats, and boarders. Surfers avoid it due to shallow depths, there are no printed or posted rules, but the majority of us usually rotate taking turns, and signal when our rider's set is done. There's never power turns, and because of the reeds/tullies on both sides wakes dissipate almost immediately after you finish your pass and are ready to turn around... barefooters will ride right after the weighted wake boats.

