Fellow PN Members,
Beavis and Reverend aren't troll(s) at all, I'm pretty sure. They're probably just Internet beavers looking to knock down a few trees, block the water, and start a family before the spring rains come and wash their Castor Canadensisis furry butts down stream to another website.
It should be obvious to everyone, just say their PN handles one after the other a couple of times fast and the word "beavers" will be roll right off your tongue in a metaphorically similar way that a fluffy, soft willow bud will always pleases the touch of your middle finger.
Beavis and Reverend aren't troll(s) at all, I'm pretty sure. They're probably just Internet beavers looking to knock down a few trees, block the water, and start a family before the spring rains come and wash their Castor Canadensisis furry butts down stream to another website.
It should be obvious to everyone, just say their PN handles one after the other a couple of times fast and the word "beavers" will be roll right off your tongue in a metaphorically similar way that a fluffy, soft willow bud will always pleases the touch of your middle finger.