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Nice thread, I was hoping to see some Daschound pictures. Guess I will have to find some of mine and post them up. I never transfered them off my old PC, so I have to dig it out of the basement.
Curious on that as well. My lab is an "enthusiastic" dog when I take him on the aluminum fishing boat. I don't think I'd do well having him running all over the seats.
2001 Ski Nautique / 2007 SV211 TE (gone but not forgotten)
My girfriend convinced me to bring her mutts out on the boat (pug terriers) and they were all over the place. No damage but I was not cool with it and they are now banned. I love dogs but not in my boat.
My son's lab is always with us on the boat and has been since he was a pup. Never had any damage. We use a rubber backed door mat over the storage locker "just in case", but he usually clears it completely when he jumps in from the platform.
my airedale is welcome on my boat anytime! no fear of rips with claws trimmed properly..... when I was looking to get a dog, I saw a picture of an airedale on a boat with the caption "water dog!". now I have a waterdog of my own!