Finally purchased a pontoon dock for our spot on the river. We can't have boat lifts, so most river users with places on the river use an old pontoon boat as dock and anchor it for the season. I finally purchased a pontoon dock and I'm gearing up for the season with some ideas. The dock / pontoon is 24 feet long. When I tie up to friends docks, I never have my boat tight against. I place my buoy balls on my cleats, let everyone unload and then tie off with about 4 feet of slack in my lines. I always park on the 'down stream' side of the dock so the boat naturally stays away from the dock. With my dock setup, I was planning to use some sort of side protector on the side of the pontoon. Like a big crash pad, but only to prevent any damage to my regular boat. I'm looking for suggestions.
Here is what I am thinking: some sort of padded side board attached to the dock. I thought about bunk carpet, but that is not wide enough. Then I saw pontoon boat carpet for a reasonable price. If I create a 2 foot high by 8 foot wide section wrapped in carpet, then I can attach two sections of this to create a 16 foot crash pad. What do I use as the backer to attach the carpet? Marine plywood, hdpe, or something else. This will obviously be getting wet, I was thinking something not wood based just to get some good life out of this setup.
If anyone has suggestions or alternative ideas, I would appreciate your input.
Here is what I am thinking: some sort of padded side board attached to the dock. I thought about bunk carpet, but that is not wide enough. Then I saw pontoon boat carpet for a reasonable price. If I create a 2 foot high by 8 foot wide section wrapped in carpet, then I can attach two sections of this to create a 16 foot crash pad. What do I use as the backer to attach the carpet? Marine plywood, hdpe, or something else. This will obviously be getting wet, I was thinking something not wood based just to get some good life out of this setup.
If anyone has suggestions or alternative ideas, I would appreciate your input.