Letting people use your stuff

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  • surroundsound64
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Jul 2005
    • 2147

    • Longview, TX

    • 2018 230 1981 Ski Nautique

    Letting people use your stuff

    Do you guys mind/let people use your stuff when they come with you? For example, when people who are new to the sport come out, do you let them use your wakeboard or prize slalom ski?

    The reason I ask, is I always have, but I have also noticed how rough people are with the stuff despite what I tell them. I also notice how thier minds seem to shut off when I say, "turn the board over and dump the water out in the lake before you bring it back in here." No matter how many times I ask, or warn to "be easy with the bindings" it doesn't seem to matter.

    I'm very tempted to tell people to bring their own stuff if they wanna ride.

    I'm talking more about the people who know how to get up on whatever object they are strapping on, but that certainly doesn't exclude those who are trying it for the first time. It is understandable if the first time a person has a ski in his hand to remind him two times to empty the water out. But someone who is going through this for the 4th or 5th time, my patients are running out.
    2018 SAN 230
    1981 Ski Nautique
    Sold - 2011 Sport 200V
    Sold - 2000 SAN
  • bkhallpass
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Apr 2005
    • 1407

    • Discovery Bay, CA

    • 2001 Super Air Nautique (Current) 1998 Ski Nautique (former) 1982 Ski Nautique (Current)

    RE: Letting people use your stuff

    I have a complete set for guests. Not the best stuff, but if they don't like it, they can buy their own. I have found used boards at garage sales, or put my old equipment into the guest arsenal when I buy a new one. Currently I have a small (132), medium (137) and large (143) with small, med. and lg bindings respectively. I've also got three or four slalom skis in different
    sizes and double in both kids and adult. Guests can use my Costco vests.
    I don't have much problem with water in the boat, because I usually retrieve the board myself and put it into the racks. Less damage that way.
    Finally, I tend to invite those back who treat the boat well. BKH
    2001 Super Air


    • DRAGON88
      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
      • Jul 2003
      • 529

      • Eugene, Oregon

      • 1999 Sport Naqutique 2005 Super Air Nautique Team Edition

      RE: Letting people use your stuff

      I have a older 137 Fluid with Spin bindings for guests to ride. Like BHK said, if they want to complain about it they can drop the cash on a new setup. I'd be really weary about letting other people ride my setup, mostly because I don't want my bindings all stretched out. Then again I mostly ride with a close group of friends who are pretty seasoned riders, when there is a new person I make sure that they know the rules of the boat. I think it's also nice when you're riding with people who can set a good example for the new people.

      I also retrieve all the boards by myself, it's not worth the damage that an inexperienced rider can cause IMO.
      How about \"Chales\"?

      RIP Nikolai (\'05 SANTE) 5/23/05 - 4/30/06


      • surroundsound64
        1,000 Post Club Member
        • Jul 2005
        • 2147

        • Longview, TX

        • 2018 230 1981 Ski Nautique

        RE: Letting people use your stuff

        That's a good idea about doing all the handling personally.
        I have noticed my bindings have gotten a little looser since I have been letting a guy with bigger feet use them.
        It's also been frustrating with him b/c he hasn't chipped in any for gas. I figured since he was fairly new he might not know to help with the gas money, but he knows other people are helping and still hasn't done anything. I decided after the last time he went with me that he wasn't going to go again until he filled the boat up.

        Thanks for those ideas BKH and Dragon.
        2018 SAN 230
        1981 Ski Nautique
        Sold - 2011 Sport 200V
        Sold - 2000 SAN


        • Hlymons
          • Nov 2005
          • 223

          • Roseville, Ca.

          RE: Letting people use your stuff

          For newbie’s it's like being a crack dealer, you let them use anything to get them hooked. Nothing better than watching someone catch the bug for the first time. After a few times they need to decide if using the extra loaner boards in the boat is the way to go or to invest in there own equipment. I could care less about scratches on Boards and ski’s; it's the boots and gloves I do not like to share. I hate to adjust boots or to put on wet stretched out gloves for the first ski of the morning, also would rather not have to replace things twice as fast.


          • morfoot
            • Dec 2003
            • 101

            • Lake Lanier, Ga

            • 1972 CC Mustang 1988 Ski Nautique 1999 Ski Nautique

            RE: Letting people use your stuff

            I bought my 88' from an old roomate who ALWAYS had this philosophy. ( which I've adopted myself ) "Your first time boating with me is on the house. I hope you enjoy today and you take something with you when you leave in hopes that you pass it on to someone who has never experienced the joy of boating."

            I've heard others tell their buddies, seen T- shirts, and bumper stickers that say

            "This boat runs on gas. NOT on thanks!"

            If your "buddy" and I use the term loosely isn't going to buy his own stuff and wants to go then ask him to pay for half of it. I go with another couple of guys who use the same board, jacket, and rope but split the cost 50/50. Its up to you to say "I love you going with us dude but gas ain't cheap so if you want to go with me its gonna cost you $10( or whatever) a trip for now but I'll go down if the price of gas does.
            If you can't do it in, on, or behind a Nautique..... It just ain't worth doing!


            • nautique95
              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
              • Apr 2005
              • 420

              • Michigan

              • 1987 SN 2001 1994 SN 1995 Signature Edition 2005 206 Air Limited 2007 SV211 Team

              RE: Letting people use your stuff

              Like BKH said, as I upgrade my equipment, I keep the old around so that others can use. If I have a newbie with me, either my buddy or I get to the back of the boat when they are ready to get out so that we can grab the board or skis and hand them a towel while they are still on the platform, that way we handle the equipment coming in the boat and they dry off on the platform. Almost everyone that has come out with me knows that I am very picky about my boat and they respect that, never really had any problems!


              • surroundsound64
                1,000 Post Club Member
                • Jul 2005
                • 2147

                • Longview, TX

                • 2018 230 1981 Ski Nautique

                Re: RE: Letting people use your stuff

                Originally posted by nautique95
                Like BKH said, as I upgrade my equipment, I keep the old around so that others can use. If I have a newbie with me, either my buddy or I get to the back of the boat when they are ready to get out so that we can grab the board or skis and hand them a towel while they are still on the platform, that way we handle the equipment coming in the boat and they dry off on the platform. Almost everyone that has come out with me knows that I am very picky about my boat and they respect that, never really had any problems!
                Which bring another point to mind...

                I always give them a towel before they get in, and tell them to ring their short out in the lake, but just like the boots full of water thing, they have left their ears on the dock. They come climbing in the boat holding the towel in one hand. Then I get irritated and they thing I'm mad at them.

                ah.... patience, patience, patience.
                2018 SAN 230
                1981 Ski Nautique
                Sold - 2011 Sport 200V
                Sold - 2000 SAN


                • BigBald
                  Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 529

                  • Indianapolis (Carmel), IN

                  RE: Letting people use your stuff

                  Almost everything that I purchase for my boat, I purchase it considering that the equipment will be used by other folks. Nobody in my family uses the "best" equipment anyway. But we try to buy stuff that is durable, comfy and half-way decent. For instance, we try to buy neoprene vests so that folks are comfortable in the water and not fighting with a cheap jacket.

                  We don't mind people using our stuff, because usually we are the ones that invited them to come in the first place. Why would we invite and then tell them that they can't use the good stuff. Like inviting someone to dinner but serving them hotdogs while we eat ribeye. We strive to make sure they enjoy themselves.....that our first thought.

                  We enjoy having people come with us when we go. We love the time spent in the boat getting to know folks. For us, that is what our boat is all about.

                  With that said, there are the outings when the crew is a little more intense. When that happens, folks bring their own gear and help pay for the trip.
                  88 Ski Nautique
                  99 Sport Nautique
                  Currently - 07 Nautique 216 Team


                  • bkhallpass
                    1,000 Post Club Member
                    • Apr 2005
                    • 1407

                    • Discovery Bay, CA

                    • 2001 Super Air Nautique (Current) 1998 Ski Nautique (former) 1982 Ski Nautique (Current)

                    RE: Letting people use your stuff


                    I sometimes participate in a watersports club. We go for the weekend, and each day I'm assigned 4-5 people who I may or may not know, and they range in experience from newbie to expert. Before we launch, I gather them up and give a little two minute speech which goes something like this. It has worked every time.

                    This is my boat. I love my boat and try to take very good care of it. My wife sometimes tells me that I like the boat more than her. So, before we start, I have a couple of rules to go over. Follow the rules and we'll all have a great time.

                    First hard objects and fiberglass or upholstery shall never meet - shoes, coolers, skis, wakeboards, should never touch the glass or upholstery.

                    Second, let me put the skis, and boards away.

                    Third, Wet stuff on the left storage compartment, dry stuff on the right.

                    Empties go back in the cooler.

                    Try to dry off before you get back in.

                    Sunscreen stains upholstery. So, when you use it, just sit on one of the towels
                    I've provided.

                    For safety, don't climb out on the swim step until I've turned the motor off.

                    If you don't know what to do, ask me.

                    From the driver's seat, I can see everything from my mirror. If I yell out for you to do something, or not to do something, I don't think your're dumb, I don't think you're a bad person, and it's nothing personal - I just need it done. It's my job to make sure everyone has a safe and good time, and with several people on the boat, I can't do everything myself.

                    Finally have fun. If you're not having fun, let me know and we'll see what we can do.

                    I've never had anyone who hasn't asked to come back.

                    2001 Super Air


                    • noti_dad
                      • Jan 2005
                      • 214

                      Surround-It's your gear and your boat. Don't feel guilty because you didn't share or obligated because they don't have their own stuff. Next time they ask to go, let them know that everyone pitches in for gas and ask if they are bringing their own gear. If not let them know they can rent/demo some from a shop. No one goes snowboarding their first time with me and expects me to supply them with all the gear. Why should wakeboarding be any differant?

                      I've gotta second BKHs 'rules'. I make sure they know it's nothing personal and go over what I expect of them. I also have a set of everything bought/kept for the purpose of someone else (newby or not) to use. When they ask to use MY board or ski I just say no, it was expensive and I wouldn't want you to ding it or anything even if it happened on accident and might be too advanced for a beginner to use. If they don't like continually using the old stuff they can buy their own gear.

                      BTW-I have found that with a new boat even the old crew has gotten the 'rules' reitterated to them. Funny how many times someone will walk over the engine cover when there's a carpeted step and walkthrough right next to them (211TM). Most don't even think about it. Yellow_Flash_Colorz:


                      • surroundsound64
                        1,000 Post Club Member
                        • Jul 2005
                        • 2147

                        • Longview, TX

                        • 2018 230 1981 Ski Nautique

                        Thanks for those good ideas!
                        2018 SAN 230
                        1981 Ski Nautique
                        Sold - 2011 Sport 200V
                        Sold - 2000 SAN


                        • DavidF
                          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                          • Sep 2004
                          • 611

                          • Austin, TX

                          RE: Letting people use your stuff


                          I like it, I like your style and I am going to try that with the wife and kids this weekend!


                          • ScarletArrow
                            • Jul 2005
                            • 330

                            • Ohio

                            RE: Letting people use your stuff

                            I think there is a line between ignorance and irresponsibility.

                            I can handle ignorance...irresponsibility calls for action.


                            • AbunDiga909
                              1,000 Post Club Member
                              • Sep 2003
                              • 2470

                              • St. Louis, MO

                              RE: Letting people use your stuff

                              Anybody can use my stuff except for my vest. My vest is very expensive and they don't make the O'Neill Outlaw anymore the way they made mine. If you take a bad fall on it, the foam inside can get screwed up. If that happens, I don't want to blame anyone else but myself, as hard as it may be. But for other stuff, look at it this way: I don't let a beginner use my bike b/c he will fall and scratch it all up. Its not like that on the water. A beginner falling on skis and boards causes virtually no wear and tear on the ski. So, as long as it doesn't interfere w/ whatever I plan to do, anyone can us my stuff BEHIND OUR BOAT WITH ME DRIVING! Someone asking to take my crap on their boat for the day is a whole other story...

                              And anyway, one size fits all for SkySki, and not many are willing to drop 4K on one...
                              [color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]

