Forum getting nasty lately

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  • FatBoy
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Mar 2004
    • 756

    • Eastern North Carolina

    Forum getting nasty lately

    I am not talking about bad language. But it seems that a few posters now have taken it opon themselfs to belittle or just jump on every post anymore and that sucks. If thats how you get your jolly's, go to and post, they live on that kind of stuff over there.

    This site has not been that way untill recently and I for one can do without it.
    Life is Short, Live it!
  • redelf75
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Sep 2003
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    • NYC

    RE: Forum getting nasty lately



    • Roddbod
      • Sep 2004
      • 116

      Im 100% with you on that one. Im on here daily but dont post too much and have seen it happening as well. Hope it doesnt continue because this site has been really helpful to me.


      • SNMike
        1,000 Post Club Member
        • May 2005
        • 1001

        • Florida

        I concur. Knowing the character of Jeff, I suspect it won't be tolerated much longer before a warning shot across the bow is given, then being banned would be next.

        Go elsewhere to stir up your hornets nest. We have BIG fly swatter's.

        Regards to ALL!!! Mike Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
        2007 Ski Nautique 196 Limited/ PP/ Mods
        Ludwig Classic Mapple Double Bass/ Zildjian Overhead


        • JMark
          • Mar 2004
          • 34

          • FL

          I agree.


          • Flux
            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
            • Jul 2003
            • 408

            • Palmdale, Ca.

            I post on both sites and while I agree that there have been some epic pissing matches on Wakeworld, it's still the best general wakesports and wakeboat forum out there. This site is far and away the best CC forum and info site in general. I am not sure where I would be with my boat and trailer if it were not for these two sites and the enthusiastic help I have recieved from all the great members on both sites.

            Unfortunately, being a public internet forum has it's drawbacks. You will inevitably get unkowledgable folks who just want to pump their $0.02 on everyone and give people a hard time. But I really think you should leave Wakeworld out of it. The reason the bad posting seems so amplified is that there is a ton of traffic on that site and they invite not only the boat owners, but the riders as well and it can definately get a little wierd when the younger guys show up and spew and some of the older guys get on their case about it.

            I browse these sites on a daily basis. I will just about always help someone out with a question if I know the answer or have had a similar experience. In this way you continue the knowledge base that I feel are the heart and soul of sites like this one and Wakeworld. Recently, I put a few posts up here and they went unanswered. They were posts about battery and electrical system stuff as I am trying to figure it out. Some of it was easy and I eventually figured it out by tracing wires and all that fun stuff, but nobody even took a crack at it. And this was while Dragon88 was getting mud slung at him over his FAMILY'S BOAT. Finally some folks chimed in on my 3rd post here. But I duplicated that post on Wakeworld and it turned into a serious discussion and I learned some things about Diode protected relays.

            In my opinion, what makes a discussion board great is the people who are quick to help and quick with a compliment. Folks who share their pictures and fun times. We all have a common love for our boats here and the watersports we do with them. The real problem is not people acting like idiots, it's just that folks aren't stepping up to put those posts further down the list. It's really easy to spot a pissing match thread and simply ignore it, post something else, help someone figure out how to repack their trailer bearings, post a pic of you crashing on a wakeboard or whatever. This is the stuff that really matters anyway and puts the crappy posts down.

            I apologize for getting lengthy here, but I really enjoy this site and hated the all the crap that came through here as well. I also was not keen on seeing some tech questions go unanswered, but maybe nobody really knew anyway, or they were all out on the lake!!! Point is, leave wakeworld out of it, it's a great place with tons of really helpful folks, just like this place, except we are Nautique snobs, J/K. Internet forums are what you put into them, as well as what you don't.


            • Mikeski
              1,000 Post Club Member
              • Jul 2003
              • 2908

              • San Francisco, CA

              • Current 2005 SV 211, due for upgrade! GS22 or GS24 perhaps? Previous

              Yes, I too was a bit disappointed in a few recent posts specifically in regard to the Thank You thread. I stopped going to because most of the posts were immature and inflamatory. I frequent PN and wakeworld's boat forum. I find these forums to be better entertainment than TV discussing things I enjoy in an interactive community. MBO used to be a good forum too, I don't like wakeside rides as well for similar reasons as wakeboarder. It's never fun when somebody calls your boat "crap" or other derrogatory term. In general I try to stay positive but I go there every now and then, usually regretting those words in the long run.


              • bkhallpass
                1,000 Post Club Member
                • Apr 2005
                • 1407

                • Discovery Bay, CA

                • 2001 Super Air Nautique (Current) 1998 Ski Nautique (former) 1982 Ski Nautique (Current)

                Nice post Flux. BKH
                2001 Super Air


                • rotorcom
                  • Feb 2004
                  • 12

                  • Boise, Idaho

                  Ditto.... Flux.


                  • FatBoy
                    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                    • Mar 2004
                    • 756

                    • Eastern North Carolina

                    My bad, I said wakeworld but I ment wakeboarder. My appoliges to the wakeworld fans.
                    Life is Short, Live it!


                    • Erik
                      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                      • Sep 2003
                      • 653

                      • New England

                      Originally posted by FatBoy
                      My bad, I said wakeworld but I ment wakeboarder. My appoliges to the wakeworld fans.
                      What about the fans then Fat Boy? Where are you having problems on there. I am a site admin on wakeboarder and try to remove that sort of stuff from the site. Yes - I won't argue the fact that WakeWorld polices their forums WAY more severly, but I try pretty hard to keep the Boats forum clean & clear of BS. Even with the light moderation I do on wakeboarder, I take a beating occasionally for it. The non-wake forum is, and will always be trouble unless the rules change drastically at, and I have distnced myself from the non-wake forum lately.

                      But in terms of boat information, the Boat General forumit is still a good source of information. No need to throw it under the bus like that. You have 145 posts over there, and I didn't see you running into a lot of problems, in the short amount of research I did on this issue.


                      • FatBoy
                        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                        • Mar 2004
                        • 756

                        • Eastern North Carolina

                        You are correct about the fact that I have 145 posts over there, did you happen to check the date of my last one. It's been a while for the above mentioned reasons.

                        I have offened everbody, My life is now complete.
                        Life is Short, Live it!


                        • Erik
                          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                          • Sep 2003
                          • 653

                          • New England

                          You havent offended me, if thats what you mean. It is just that I work for and I actually try to keep the forums clear of what you were referring to. I don't want that to be the reputation of the site to evolve and have people assume it is a place for 17 year old kids to go and flame each other...

                          We have issues in the Wakeskating forum, Slider talk and in Non-Wake, but not really elsewhere.


                          • Onthewater
                            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                            • Jul 2003
                            • 695

                            • Near the cheddar curtain

                            Uh, sometimes I can get carried away but it is only because I don't sugar coat everything and I don't buy BS. I'll do better to be quiet and mind my own business. (If I am one of the "nasty" ones as of late)
                            I don\'t care.


                            • Erik
                              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                              • Sep 2003
                              • 653

                              • New England

                              Actually 'onthewater' (and your cohort hollywood), actually I think you guys have both been a lot better on here lately.

