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There aren’t waves in the keys, nor are there natural beaches. All beaches are man-made (“keys” are coral islands). Great place to visit but not a destination for surfing.
There aren’t waves in the keys, nor are there natural beaches. All beaches are man-made (“keys” are coral islands). Great place to visit but not a destination for surfing.
I was just in the keys. Unless you have a boat, you won’t be surfing. We stayed at playa del largo which is on the gulf side in Key Largo. You have to check out Robbie’s in islamaroda. You can feed the tarpon and these tarpon are huge. A manatee even showed up for us. I don’t know who enjoyed it more. Me or the kids. The restaurant was amazing at Robbie’s too. My kids are young so we snorkeled. If there was a surf-able boat for rent or hire, I would have definitely rented. The water is amazing. Enjoy your travels.