My summer rant

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  • lucky7t
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Mar 2011
    • 1306

    • Oklahoma

    • 2015 SANTE

    My summer rant

    Well yesterday was an odd day for me. Been boating for 16 years and I guess IÂ’m getting old.

    I came down to put ice in our chest and some a55hat decided to let my boat down off my lift . I hadnÂ’t put rear ropes on my dock so the nose got scratched up. Went back to lakehouse and grabbed buffer, compound . Fixed that perfect took me hour .

    We head over to a nice quiet cove to wake skate . I hop in and have one good run and notice a great looking G23 black bottom with reef on the sides coming in(keep in mind this is one of the largest man made lakes) . HeÂ’s pulling a tuber. Not only did he not slow down , he instead starts zig zagging through a cove with his tube . Then he power turns as one rider fell off , one after another.

    He ruined that cove for anyone trying to actually enjoy a water sport rather than be pulled around on an inflatable toy.

    He should know better and honestly I was embarrassed . There were 3 other boarders who had to leave due to this A55HAT.

    Eufaula lake , black bottom , reef side , G23. Learn boat etiquette , the lake is not yours . We share it and you can pull your inflatable toy all over the lake but if you see boarders slow down and give some respect .
    Last edited by lucky7t; 07-09-2018, 10:07 AM.
    Current Correct Craft Boat
    [URL=""]2015 SANTE 210[/URL]

    Correct Craft Boats Owned
    [URL=""]2012 SANTE 210 (Boatmate Trailer)[/URL]
    [URL=""]2003 SANTE 210 (Dorsey Trailer)[/URL]
    [URL=""]2007 SANTE 210 (Magnum Trailer)[/URL]
  • CHassmann
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Jul 2004
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    • Holiday Lakes, OH

    • Current: 2002 Ski Nautique Closed Bow Previous: 1990 Ski Nautique, 1987 Ski Nautique 2001

    I was in the water this past weekend after falling during a slalom run. Instead of turning around, I had a guy driving an I/O drive around us. His wake was huge and ruined the water for me. At least he was pulling skiers instead of tubes.
    Ski on dude!


    • swatguy
      1,000 Post Club Member
      • May 2008
      • 1631

      • Midwest/ Northern IL

      • 2008 SANTE 210

      The amount of wakwsurfers killing butter at 8am is killing me here these days. BRUTAL


      • DealsGapCobra
        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
        • May 2010
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        • Knoxville, TN

        • Ski Nautique 200

        People messing up nice water is rude and annoying but, I think, is mostly due to ignorance. Now, someone lowering boat in the water, that is quite intentional and malicious!!!

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


        • Nautiquehunter
          1,000 Post Club Member
          • Jun 2008
          • 2080

          • Flowery Branch GA Lake Lanier

          • 2008 210 SANTE 67 Correct Craft Mustang

          This is a sore subject for me . There was a time when you saw an inboard boat you could count on the driver being experienced and well groomed in boating edicate . Those days are gone now anybody with the money is jumping on the surfing craze . As these surf barges get bigger and bigger they are all heading for the butter in the ski cove because everybody knows a G doesn't do well in any rough conditions and you need absolute glass to surf. A little courtesy goes a long way unforchinitly there is so little courtesy that its surprising when you find it.
          Last edited by Nautiquehunter; 07-12-2018, 03:53 PM.


          • jondavis08
            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
            • May 2016
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            • Battle Creek, MI

            • 2014 SANTE 210 2003 SANTE 210-Sold

            Ha, this is how my whole crew feels about surfers. We live on a rather small lake and someone runs a commercial surfing business on the lake. They are out there from 9am-8p every day. Kills me when when there’s glass out there getting murdered by surf wakes. I’ve always surfed when the water is crap, really the only reason I like to surf as it’s something to do when the water isn’t good. Guess I’ll stick to those 7am sessions..

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            • lucky7t
              1,000 Post Club Member
              • Mar 2011
              • 1306

              • Oklahoma

              • 2015 SANTE

              Yes I do agree ...

              People nowadays buy a boat and drive it like the bad guy on roadhouse swerving around as if they are the only one in the lake , drives me crazy .

              Yes we see surfers in coves as well . Yes the waves are huge . No way I’m wake skating through that , it’s like an obstacle course

              Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
              Current Correct Craft Boat
              [URL=""]2015 SANTE 210[/URL]

              Correct Craft Boats Owned
              [URL=""]2012 SANTE 210 (Boatmate Trailer)[/URL]
              [URL=""]2003 SANTE 210 (Dorsey Trailer)[/URL]
              [URL=""]2007 SANTE 210 (Magnum Trailer)[/URL]


              • beamons
                Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                • Jun 2017
                • 376

                • Utah

                • 2005 Ski Nautique Limited Looking for a 230 or g23 prev. 1998 Ski Nautique, 2004 Nautique SV211

                If this was only exclusive to boating...


                • markj
                  1,000 Post Club Member
                  • Apr 2005
                  • 1194

                  • NorCal

                  • Current: 2015 230 Sold: 2005 SAN 210 1991 Barefoot

                  So much for ever being able to fish on a 12’ foot aluminum boat any more..... if it ain’t waterskiers, it’s wakeboarders. If it ain’t wakeboarders, it’s wakesurfers. If it ain’t wakesurfers, it’s tubers I tell ya!....... Oh, and get off my lawn!!!


                  • jondavis08
                    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                    • May 2016
                    • 369

                    • Battle Creek, MI

                    • 2014 SANTE 210 2003 SANTE 210-Sold

                    Ha, yes I remember skiers getting pissed at us wakeboarders back in the day for screwing up their water. The lake is meant to be shared but common curtesy can always appreciated. Such as the surf business I mentioned cutting us off with my 6 year old skier in tow. If I see some old timers ready to ski I cut the engine and wait to get my set in... I’d be less bitter if the surf business wasn’t always out there and if they actually paid lake taxes like the rest of us

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                    • scottb7
                      1,000 Post Club Member
                      • Aug 2011
                      • 2198

                      • Carson City, Nevada

                      • 2014 G21 (Current) 2008 SANTE 210

                      Most people don't have courtesy, etiquette, manners, or even any idea how what they are doing would effect any one else.

                      I mean the above about everything in life. Not just this subject. And it is not really possible to teach people courtesy, etiquette, manners. 90% of people think their way is just fine...And don't have the ability or desire to look at a situation from another point of view.

                      So it is pretty much a bad situation. Because as has been said the quantity of people with boats is higher, and the boat are bigger and heavier, and the sports they are doing cause more water disruption then the past.

                      I hate to sound pessimistic but it is a real bad problem. We try to go early, but then other people do to.

                      Keep in mind if your surfing that you are pushing more water then anyone i would be a bit humble about everyone else not having good manners. the reality is that it does not matter what a person spends on a boat, a guy tubing has as much right as anyone to screw up the water. And a guy can park his fishing boat in the middle of your channel if he wants, etc....It is tough.

                      I wish we could just schedule time on the lake or something....
                      Last edited by scottb7; 07-11-2018, 01:44 PM.


                      • Tom_H
                        • Jan 2014
                        • 244

                        • Minnesota

                        I'm relegated to mostly weekends with younger kids and earlyish bed times, but there has been a fairly exceptional amount of stupid when we've been on the water this year - primarily from people just driving way too close and being completely oblivious to their surroundings (tubers, skiers, boarders all included). We do a bit of hanging out and floating out of the way, and several times I've had people towing pass within 50-feet of me, some as close as 30-ish when I'm anchored only 100 or so feet off the shore line...

                        The ones that make me chuckle though are the drivers that follow the shoreline like they're attached to it. It's like they've never taken the time to think about how much it sucks to ski/ride when the boat never goes in a straight line.


                        • scottb7
                          1,000 Post Club Member
                          • Aug 2011
                          • 2198

                          • Carson City, Nevada

                          • 2014 G21 (Current) 2008 SANTE 210

                          Yep, true dat. My wife is kind enough to take me quite often, when the boys aren't available. I had to tell her not to follow the shoreline..."If you can take me please do, but this is not the time to check out all the neighbors back yard"....urgg...."Go in straight lines".

                          But yeah, she pretty much goes 50 feet or so near people, no matter what I say. I think it seems far enough to her when she considers the distance to their boat. She does not consider the g wake coming at them...


                          • Wake.BC
                            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                            • Jan 2016
                            • 423

                            • BC, Canada

                            During a surf comp we had a tuber go right between shore and the course right behind the boat!! They were clueless as to what they were doing wrong meanwhile boats are idling around watching and jet skis are picking up fallen riders....

                            Sent from my iPhone using PLT Nautique

