Kite Tube Rider, "This is Going to Hurt"

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  • ag4ever
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Feb 2004
    • 1180

    I am positive that is possible, and there is no way for me, a mere mortal to know if that image is manupulated.

    My GUESS is only on the information I have learned from school (Architecture) about perspective and how objects appear in relation to each other with different distance between them and the observer.

    I have done some quick calculations using a caliper to measure various items on the picture and convert them to real dimensions.

    Assumption - the boat, tube and rider are all in the same plane and the tube is 10' in diameter.

    If the above is taken as fact, then:

    The rider's head is about 5.3" wide. That seams reasonable.

    The boat is between 76" and 82" wide. Seams kinda narrow. What kind of boat is it?

    The boat driver's head is about 5.4" wide. Also seams reasonable, his head looks wider since it is turned at an odd angle.

    The tube is at an elevation approximatly 20' above the water.

    Now if the tube is actually 20' in the air, it would be about 56' behind the boat, and the person would probably be another 20' behind it given how far the boat would have traveled after the rider came off the tube. This would put the rider about 75' behind the boat and about 10' higher than the tube in the shot.

    From the large photo, I would say it could go either way, and giving you the benifit of the doubt, I will say it is more than likly real.

    Any way you cut it, there is no farkin way I will 1. ever get on one of those insane things or 2. ever pull on behind my boat!


    • Sinkoumn
      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
      • Jun 2006
      • 578

      • MPLS - St. Paul, MN

      • Super Sport Nautique

      Ahah, what part about that calculation was "quick" :grin:
      Neuston Boards


      • Onthewater
        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
        • Jul 2003
        • 695

        • Near the cheddar curtain

        i'm calling the WI DNR, there is no spotter in that boat. therefore (we never do anything illegal) that boat wasn't pulling anything. :grin:
        I don\'t care.


        • jasper
          • Feb 2005
          • 195

          Wego Kite Tube withdrawn from the market:


          • ag4ever
            1,000 Post Club Member
            • Feb 2004
            • 1180

            Only a matter of time.

            BTW, after looking at it on the link provided by Jasper, does anybody find it strange that it has two skull and cross bones on it?


            • redelf75
              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
              • Sep 2003
              • 767

              • NYC

              Originally posted by Onthewater
              i'm calling the WI DNR, there is no spotter in that boat. therefore (we never do anything illegal) that boat wasn't pulling anything. :grin:
              Why are you always so sure of yourself? I'll admit there doesn't appear to be a spotter in the observer's seat, but how do you know there isn't someone laying down in the back.

              The link for the withdrawl has another link "Learn more about the Wego tube" that takes you to the April 2006 anouncement that the tube won the best new sprots product for 2006! The inventors are sited as "true visionaries". :???: One of the runner-ups is a sports bra that monitors your heart rate. Wonder if there going to come out with the mens version next year... Someone should call Kramer and George's dad.

              Anyway, glad to see it go.


              • Onthewater
                Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                • Jul 2003
                • 695

                • Near the cheddar curtain

                Originally posted by redelf75
                Originally posted by Onthewater
                i'm calling the WI DNR, there is no spotter in that boat. therefore (we never do anything illegal) that boat wasn't pulling anything. :grin:
                Why are you always so sure of yourself? I'll admit there doesn't appear to be a spotter in the observer's seat, but how do you know there isn't someone laying down in the back.

                The link for the withdrawl has another link "Learn more about the Wego tube" that takes you to the April 2006 anouncement that the tube won the best new sprots product for 2006! The inventors are sited as "true visionaries".
                1. I am not always sure of myself, not that confidence is a bad thing. I am sure that you can't read between lines or have a very straight forward and plain sense of humor, but I could be wrong.

                2. Don't take everything so seriously. Apparently I need to put 23 smilies after my posts.

                3. Best new sports product for 2006, nobody probably rode the thing or the award givers don't know just how hard falls into/on water can be.
                I don\'t care.


                • BanksPhotos
                  • Jul 2006
                  • 14

                  Originally posted by Onthewater
                  i'm calling the WI DNR, there is no spotter in that boat. therefore (we never do anything illegal) that boat wasn't pulling anything. :grin:
                  Actually this is what I thought too, before going out and visiting with the rider. The spotter was reclined in the passenger seat. Due to the height of the tube this was probably the most comfortable position for her :grin:



                  • Onthewater
                    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                    • Jul 2003
                    • 695

                    • Near the cheddar curtain

                    what is with the large white blur around the tube in the full size pic? it also appears that the driver is still watching the tube.
                    I don\'t care.


                    • BanksPhotos
                      • Jul 2006
                      • 14

                      Originally posted by ag4ever
                      ...Now if the tube is actually 20' in the air, it would be about 56' behind the boat, and the person would probably be another 20' behind it given how far the boat would have traveled after the rider came off the tube. This would put the rider about 75' behind the boat and about 10' higher than the tube in the shot.

                      Thank you very much for the calculation. I only question the rider being 75' behind the boat, I think he is much closer. I am no geometry whiz, but I know what I saw. Keep in mind, the tube was actually at the rider's height. The rider was not tossed off the tube, due to the aerodynamics the tube dove rapidly, slamming into the water. The rider would be traveling nearly the same speed as the boat in this image. Does this hypothesis change your calculations?

                      Once again thank you,



                      • BanksPhotos
                        • Jul 2006
                        • 14

                        Originally posted by Onthewater
                        what is with the large white blur around the tube in the full size pic? it also appears that the driver is still watching the tube.
                        Onthewater, I too wondered the same thing. I believe it is water mist coming off the trailing edge of the tube. This all happened quite rapidly, the tube went up and came right back down. I assume there was water in the riding compartments and what we see is some of the water spilling out at a great rate of speed. Keep in mind the photo was taken at 1/500 of a second. It would probably require a shutter speed over 1/1500 to eliminate most of the blurring at this speed.


                        • Onthewater
                          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                          • Jul 2003
                          • 695

                          • Near the cheddar curtain

                          i am no photo wiz but that tube does not look to be diving at all and i also beleive that to create mist like in your picture there would have to be much water present (not alot if the tube is hoverings) and a bit more speed, but then again I could be way off.
                          I don\'t care.


                          • gotwake
                            • Jul 2003
                            • 304

                            • Mundelein, Il

                            The kids that I have pulled on it have really enjoyed it. I keep a slow boat speed (10-15) and use a short rope. That being said I do have a few friends who thought they would take two wakeboard ropes tied together and run at 42 mph. (At night none the less) That outing turned into a hospital trip and a MRI.

                            I really have to question what happens to the boat driver in the cases where people are hurt/killed. The driver is truly in control of the tube and rider. I suppose one could say that the rider can always bail, however with a quick hit of the throttle the tube can gain height quickly. I know of a guy that pulled a tuber onto some rocks where the rider was killed. The driver received punishment. Shouldn't the same apply here? I think that the driver of the boat really needs to be held accountable.

                            As far as the tube goes, I'd rather be riding. But then again, I've read about some wakeboarders that were killed while riding, so I'm sure it's only a matter of time before wakeboards get recalled.
                            The person who said \"Money can\'t buy happiness\" never rode behind an \"OLD\" 210.


                            • Hollywood
                              1,000 Post Club Member
                              • Sep 2003
                              • 1930

                              • WIIL

                              Re: Kite Tube Rider, "This is Going to Hurt"

                              Originally posted by BanksPhotos
                              Suddenly, the tube dove into the water and the rider followed, this all happened much too quickly for me to react with my camera for another shot.
                              You're so full of ****! The Wego doesn't "dive" back to the water, it coasts down or flips. The only time riders get thrown like that is when it flips over, and the tube in the picture is obviously still riding right side up. According to your description of what happened, there is NO SCIENTIFIC REASON the rider would get tossed off the tube at its max height, pure physics. The **** tube is still pointing up, meaing it should either be hovering at that height or continuing to rise.

                              This is so bogus!


                              • NautiqueJeff
                                A d m i n i s t r a t o r
                                • Mar 2002
                                • 16521
                                • Lake Norman

                                • Mooresville, NC

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                                RE: Re: Kite Tube Rider, "This is Going to Hurt"

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