I am positive that is possible, and there is no way for me, a mere mortal to know if that image is manupulated.
My GUESS is only on the information I have learned from school (Architecture) about perspective and how objects appear in relation to each other with different distance between them and the observer.
I have done some quick calculations using a caliper to measure various items on the picture and convert them to real dimensions.
Assumption - the boat, tube and rider are all in the same plane and the tube is 10' in diameter.
If the above is taken as fact, then:
The rider's head is about 5.3" wide. That seams reasonable.
The boat is between 76" and 82" wide. Seams kinda narrow. What kind of boat is it?
The boat driver's head is about 5.4" wide. Also seams reasonable, his head looks wider since it is turned at an odd angle.
The tube is at an elevation approximatly 20' above the water.
Now if the tube is actually 20' in the air, it would be about 56' behind the boat, and the person would probably be another 20' behind it given how far the boat would have traveled after the rider came off the tube. This would put the rider about 75' behind the boat and about 10' higher than the tube in the shot.
From the large photo, I would say it could go either way, and giving you the benifit of the doubt, I will say it is more than likly real.
Any way you cut it, there is no farkin way I will 1. ever get on one of those insane things or 2. ever pull on behind my boat!
My GUESS is only on the information I have learned from school (Architecture) about perspective and how objects appear in relation to each other with different distance between them and the observer.
I have done some quick calculations using a caliper to measure various items on the picture and convert them to real dimensions.
Assumption - the boat, tube and rider are all in the same plane and the tube is 10' in diameter.
If the above is taken as fact, then:
The rider's head is about 5.3" wide. That seams reasonable.
The boat is between 76" and 82" wide. Seams kinda narrow. What kind of boat is it?
The boat driver's head is about 5.4" wide. Also seams reasonable, his head looks wider since it is turned at an odd angle.
The tube is at an elevation approximatly 20' above the water.
Now if the tube is actually 20' in the air, it would be about 56' behind the boat, and the person would probably be another 20' behind it given how far the boat would have traveled after the rider came off the tube. This would put the rider about 75' behind the boat and about 10' higher than the tube in the shot.
From the large photo, I would say it could go either way, and giving you the benifit of the doubt, I will say it is more than likly real.
Any way you cut it, there is no farkin way I will 1. ever get on one of those insane things or 2. ever pull on behind my boat!