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barefooters have a bad rap? ive always held barefooting in the top of all watersports as for respect for the sport. IMHO
that's because you do it :grin:
ever heard someone say "you're crazy" or "how do you do that?" or "don't you have to go really fast?"
the misconseptions out there from the watersports neophytes regarding barefooting are endless in my experience. But I agree with you; barefooting has the utmost respect from me. I just love it!
I don't ever remember try in run on water; you have to learn to walk before you can do that! Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
how does "ever heard someone say "you're crazy" or "how do you do that?" or "don't you have to go really fast?" " equal a bad rap?
just a few examples of what people who don't hit the water regularly have said to me over the years.
having coached hundreds of people; I learned very quickly that most people have misconceptions regarding barefooting and its guys like this that deter others from trying it out.
they are driving too fast and don't seem to care in the slightest for the safety of the skiers. i don't know if its a joke or not, but its a bad rap we get.
IMO someone calling me crazy for barefooting = bad rap.... I may be crazy but not because I barefoot....
haha yeah i guess that might have some bearing on my opinion of barefooting Miracle Driver. & yeah i have been called crazy & asked those things, but...ok yeah well i am crazy, but i was long before i started footing....haha
Besides the "Your crazy" and the "how do you do that" questions, the one one I get asked MOST often is "Doesn't that hurt your feet?" Anyone else get that one? Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
\"You could by a cheaper boat, but then you would have to ride it.\"
Besides the "Your crazy" and the "how do you do that" questions, the one one I get asked MOST often is "Doesn't that hurt your feet?" Anyone else get that one? Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
ya, never heard that one before... :razz:
a good response is "only if you hit something..."
I dread the first few months of footing every spring because the lakes I ski on here in Ontario are dam controlled to flood a canal system when it runs out of water later in the year. So you guessed it, they dam the lakes in early spring when the ice goes out and progressively pull the logs out of the dam throughout the year until fall when my water levels are down up to 6 feet on my lake (technically they are flooded in the spring and returned to their natural levels in the late summer/fall).
This posses a problem to us footers because there is always all kinds of boards, sticks, and other various floaties in the lake in the spring. I picked up a piece of dock this spring that had a bunch of 3 inch nails sticking out of it :shock: you have to make it a habit of running up an down where you are going to ski to make sure there's nothing in the water.