Surfing Fine

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  • Huffy2k
    • Aug 2005
    • 63

    Surfing Fine

    Got pulled over by the local PA Fish and Boat commission on Sunday and was cited $70 for surfing. Specifically, the citation was given since I was sitting on the transom (holding/tossing the rope) while pulling our surfer. I had no idea that sitting on the transom was a violation. Anyone else ever run into trouble while surfing (i.e. sitting on transom, wake problems, short rope)?
    02 Air Nautique
  • Madhat78
    • Dec 2005
    • 105

    • NorthEast

    RE: Surfing Fine

    State of Connecticut is one of the most strict. You must be sitting in a designated seat while "underway" in a vessel and you cannot be within of atleast15 feet off the transom when doing water sport activities due to Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. We had an incident two years ago where father let his son teak surf ( hold onto platform while boat is in gear) on their way back to their dock without wearing a life vest. The kid sucked in too many fumes and sunk like a rock. The police finally found him around midnight at the bottom of the lake.


    • Madhat78
      • Dec 2005
      • 105

      • NorthEast

      RE: Surfing Fine

      Correction to last post, "No Water Sport Activity shall be exhibited (includes teak surfing, dragging and water-skiing) within 20 of the trasom of the watercraft" In the State of Connecticut.


      • mfloski
        • Jan 2005
        • 166

        • Longview, TX

        Just how long does it take??? I mean, i have surfed/sat on the transom for an hour or two and never experienced (that I knew of) any problems from Carb Monox? I hear about all these people sucking up fumes and dying and wounder what they are doing that is any different that me?
        \'99 Sport Nautique, and darn proud of it!


        • igkya
          • Oct 2003
          • 227

          • Minden, NV

          • Club boat 2005 196

          just curious, where in PA did this occur?


          • Huffy2k
            • Aug 2005
            • 63

            The Monongahela River near New Eagle/Monongahela. The fish commission was there all weekend...
            02 Air Nautique


            • auskier
              • Apr 2005
              • 70

              • Ft Worth, TX

              I now live in Texas and I'm not sure of the law here, But I grew up in Alabama and I believe the law there was that your waist could not be above the gunnels. We were pulled over once because I was sitting on the engine cover of our direct drive ski boat. Thankfully the guy didn't give us a ticket but did ask me not to ride there anymore.

              My guess is that it is pretty much illegal everywhere to sit on the transom while the boat is under way. My suggestion... Make friends with the local water patrol, that's what we've always done and on two different lakes we've gotten to the point where they will let us trick without a vest because they know us.

              I'm also curious about how long it takes / what conditions lead to carbon monoxide poisoning because we grew up "Teak surfing" every time out when we were kids.
              97 Ski Nautique 196


              • Madhat78
                • Dec 2005
                • 105

                • NorthEast

                "Carbon Monoxide is tasteless and odorless. The major symptoms of CO poisoning are headaches, dizziness, nausea and sleepiness, which will inevitably lead to unconsciousness and death if the victim isn't removed from its source to fresh air. The symptoms can oftem be mistaken for seasickness or the flu......" (Connecticut Boaters Guide, pg. 102)
                Here is another description:


                • bkhallpass
                  1,000 Post Club Member
                  • Apr 2005
                  • 1407

                  • Discovery Bay, CA

                  • 2001 Super Air Nautique (Current) 1998 Ski Nautique (former) 1982 Ski Nautique (Current)

                  Not specifically forsurfing, but in CA, they can and will cite you for sitting on the gunnels or engine
                  cover while under power. In the CA Delta, the Sherrif, commonly uses it as a reason to pull folks over
                  and do a complete life jacket, fire extinguisher, etc. check. BKH
                  2001 Super Air


                  • skiswm
                    • Mar 2005
                    • 165

                    • SF Bay Area/Truckee CA

                    I'll back Biran up there, on many of the lakes here in Nor Cal it's not uncommon to get pulled over for something simple so they can do the full check. Also, we have to have a wonderful sticker on the back of any boat with an engine saying you shouldn't teak surf etc. I understand why they do it, I've known one too many people who weren't paying attention and sadly the prop gave them pretty good damage. Add in the Co2 and you really do have some serious problems.


                    • CHassmann
                      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                      • Jul 2004
                      • 512

                      • Holiday Lakes, OH

                      • Current: 2002 Ski Nautique Closed Bow Previous: 1990 Ski Nautique, 1987 Ski Nautique 2001

                      Add in the Co2 and you really do have some serious problems.
                      CO (carbon monoxide)
                      Sorry for being picky, but CO2 is carbon dioxide.
                      Ski on dude!


                      • redelf75
                        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 767

                        • NYC

                        Re: RE: Surfing Fine

                        Originally posted by Madhat78
                        Correction to last post, "No Water Sport Activity shall be exhibited (includes teak surfing, dragging and water-skiing) within 20 of the trasom of the watercraft" In the State of Connecticut.

                        I can't find that exact wording. All I got was that you can do it, but it may kill you. If you have the page number, I'm interested to read it. Thanks,

                        Boater's Guide:
                        CO2: Page 102


                        • Mikeski
                          1,000 Post Club Member
                          • Jul 2003
                          • 2908

                          • San Francisco, CA

                          • Current 2005 SV 211, due for upgrade! GS22 or GS24 perhaps? Previous

                          RE: Re: RE: Surfing Fine

                          It's interesting to see the delta sherriff really check us out when somebody is sitting in the pass-thru of the 211. I believe the rule is something about your hips being inside the gunnel? These guys are getting kind of petty writing revenue generating tickets.


                          • 882001
                            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                            • Aug 2003
                            • 353

                            • clear lake texas

                            Originally posted by auskier
                            I now live in Texas and I'm not sure of the law here, But I grew up in Alabama and I believe the law there was that your waist could not be above the gunnels. We were pulled over once because I was sitting on the engine cover of our direct drive ski boat. Thankfully the guy didn't give us a ticket but did ask me not to ride there anymore.

                            My guess is that it is pretty much illegal everywhere to sit on the transom while the boat is under way. My suggestion... Make friends with the local water patrol, that's what we've always done and on two different lakes we've gotten to the point where they will let us trick without a vest because they know us.

                            I'm also curious about how long it takes / what conditions lead to carbon monoxide poisoning because we grew up "Teak surfing" every time out when we were kids.
                            his waist is above the gunnels. so thats a stupid law
                            1988 Ski Nautique \"2001\"


                            • sweet78
                              • Jul 2006
                              • 7

                              • Hoover, AL

                              Not to worry, the guy who killed his son by letting him teak surf with no life vest is making plenty of money from it. Instead of him or the commander of the vessel being charged with manslaughter (which they should be) he has sued the boat manufacturers and is getting laws changed so that those with no common sense will not hurt themselves (just what we need, more stickers from the government). Unfortunately, you don't need a licence to have kids.
                              Don't get me wrong, education is great, but folks need to take responsibility for their actions. These instances illustrate why we get pulled over and fined for "unsafe" boating practices.

