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We used to ski on New Years Day in St Paul, MN. The Bald Eagle WaterSki club takes a boat down below the Ford Dam and Hidden Falls Park. On colder years they bring a chainsaw to cut the 20-40 feet of ice away from the launch so they can get a boat in. i have Air Chaired, skied, and kneeboarded the event. A lot of the actual club members foot it. I haven't been in a few years, but most years it was pretty tolerable. Worst year was like -20*F, short run, stick your feet and hands in a cooler of hot water, and then go sit by a fire for a while. Crazy vid.
the WakeSlayer
1999 Super Air - Python Powered <-- For Sale
1968 Correct Craft Mustang
I am the reindeer at the bottom right of the first picture on the main screen. Last year there was ice in the harbor plus someone didnt zip my dry suit up all the way. Bit chilly.
so, i've got know problem with riding in the cold (thats AL cold lol) but what do u guys do about that ice? looks to me like a beheading waiting to happen